Page 42 of Fire

He stroked himself, up then down, squeezing it once he reached the base.

“Fingers. Mouth. At this point, I’m not picky.”

“Then lie back, close your eyes, and enjoy.” Then he proceeded to put his dirty thoughts into action.

He started with his thumbs, pulling her pussy lips wide, her glistening folds quivering in anticipation. He didn’t make her wait, zeroing in on her clit, sucking it into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue.

She squirmed, arching her hips, her hands landing in his hair, gripping it. “Oh, God.”

He’d correct her but his mouth was full and there was no fucking way he was stopping. But he’d tell her soon that he wanted no other name but his shouted from those luscious lips of hers.

He glided a thumb through her folds entering her to its first knuckle, curling it and stroking from side to side until he had her panting.

He sucked harder, introducing teeth that lightly bit while his tongue circled, over and over again, not letting up until he felt her pussy start to pulsate, trying to suck his thumb deeper into its depths.

He glanced over at the nightstand and swore. Planting his hands on either side of her head, he hovered over her. “I don’t keep condoms here.”

Eyes unfocused, she slowly blinked as if having trouble following the conversation. Having an orgasm will do that to a person.

“I’m clean. You can trust I would never put you at risk.”

She blinked again and licked her lips, her eyes finally finding his. “I trust you.”

Those three little words did crazy things to his head. Shot off endorphins that not only went to his dick, making him harder than he ever thought possible but also to the muscle that beat in the center of his chest, causing it to pump harder and faster, making him feel a little lightheaded.

What the fuck?

Heart beating so fast he could feel it in his throat, he plunged into her in one swift move, hoping to block the emotions that were trying to choke him. And it worked. His bare dick encased in her heat blocked all sensations but the one between his legs.

His first time without a condom—what a fucking rush.

He pumped into her harder—faster—beating back the crazy, so the pleasure of her pussy was the only thing consuming him.

Her thighs gripped his waist, her heels slapping against his ass, as stroke after stroke he pounded into her. Her hands clutched his forearms, fingers holding on to the fabric of his shirt to keep herself from sliding along the bed.

She gave as good as she got, meeting him thrust for thrust, her pelvis slamming into his, reaching for the same climatic conclusion he was.

Body tightening, she threw her head back, exposing her neck, and he latched on, biting the sensitive curve where it met her shoulder as her whole body shuddered and a cry escaped her lips.

It didn’t take him long to follow, pumping a few last times and spilling into her.

Elbows buckling, he collapsed, being careful not to give her his full weight but too dazed not to give her some. Breathing harshly against her neck, his heart raced from exertion and the knowledge that he’d just had the best sex of his life. He closed his eyes, willing himself to calm.

He felt her hands then, coasting up his arms to his shoulders, pausing before they took a turn, starting to roam down the sides of his back.

He quickly rolled off her, landing on the bed face up, arms stretched out.

Her face appeared above him, her hair spilling forward partially blocking it from his view. But he saw her smile as her hand landed on his chest. “You didn’t even get undressed.” She toyed with one of the buttons still securely fastened through the buttonhole.

Raising a hand, he scooped the curtain of her hair and fisted it, using the makeshift ponytail to pull her down to him for a kiss. “I was in a hurry.”

Her lips twitched. “I guess so.”

Letting her go, he stood from the bed, shoving himself back into his briefs before fastening his jeans.

“Not a cuddler?” She sat on her knees, legs tucked under her ass, studying him.

“I’m gonna go order dinner. I need to be at the club in a few hours.”