Page 74 of Fire

Gwen pushed away from the wall, staggering on still shaky legs, inching closer to hear what Blake was saying.

“I don’t care who you think you are. You touch what’s mine, and I will crush you.”

Dillan’s face was red, his mouth opening and closing as if fighting for air.

Gwen placed a hand on Blake’s shoulder. “He can’t breathe.”

He either didn’t hear or was ignoring her. In either case, she needed to get his attention because Dillan wasn’t looking good.

She got down to her knees right next to him. “Blake. Blake! He can’t breathe.”

Blake’s eyes finally flicked to hers. His were dark and stormy, and every muscle in his face was rigid. She’d never seen him so angry.

She leaned farther into him. “Please. He’s not worth it.”

Not worth Blake going to jail for assault or, at the rate he was going, murder.

His hold relaxed—she could tell from the gasps that could now be heard from Dillan—though Blake’s hand was still at his throat.

His eyes flicked to Dillan before returning to her. Something worked behind them. The storm was still there, only now, concern was mixed with the anger.

His free hand cupped the side of her face, his thumb stroking softly along her cheek. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” She didn’t have the brain power to give him a better answer or even thank him for coming to her rescue.

Their eyes stayed locked for what felt like a minute—his assessing. He must have believed her because he looked away to pull out his phone and give an order to the person on the line.

Gwen pulled her attention from Blake and looked down at Dillan. With Blake’s hand still wrapped around his neck, he lay listless not even bothering to struggle.

She glanced around to make sure they weren’t causing a scene, but so far back in the shadows, they went unnoticed.

A minute later, security approached.

Blake stood as two bouncers hauled Dillan to his feet, but he had one last thing to say before they escorted him away. “You will never work in this town again.” And then he punched him, his fist connecting with the side of Dillan’s face and making a horrendous sound of flesh hitting flesh that Gwen would never forget.

After Dillan was led away, she found herself back against the wall. But this time she didn’t feel trapped, she felt protected with Blake’s body shielding her from view. Her body started to shake as her adrenaline crashed at knowing she was truly safe.

His hands cradled her face. “You sure you’re okay?”

She could only manage a nod as she swallowed thickly.

His eyes zeroed in on her cheek and what Gwen was sure were red marks left behind from Dillan’s fingers. He carefully ran a finger over them, washing away the remnant of ghost fingerprints along her skin.

“He hurt you.” His tone and touch were gentle and unexpected tears welled in her eyes.

“I’m okay.”

“He scared you.”

She gave no response, but he didn’t seem to expect one. He seemed content to just stare, inspecting every inch of her face.

“I could kill him for that.” Then the fingers caressing her cheek slid into her hair, and she heard a whispered “Fuck it,” as his head started to dip.

She thought he would kiss her, and he did, but not the fierce claiming she’d seen brewing in his eyes. No, his lips were a soft, barely-there touch at the corner of hers, then a little farther out. Kiss after light kiss, he traced a path where Dillan’s hand had been until he made the trip back. Only he still didn’t kiss her. His lips just rested on hers, their breaths mingling.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

Her already galloping heart picked up tempo. “Can’t do what?”