Page 73 of Fire

“Like you said, he’s a tough act to follow.”

There was a knock at the door, and Allie said, “I ordered a pizza so we can eat while getting ready.”

Gwen raised a brow. “That sure I’d say yes?”

Allie shrugged, “Either way, I knew it wouldn’t go to waste.”

It felt weird walking into Fire—as if she were an interloper or an unwanted guest. Being part of the cast party, she and Allie didn’t have to wait in line—they just followed the crowd. If the bouncer had been surprised to see her, he didn’t let on. Honestly, Gwen wasn’t sure he even remembered her.

The studio had rented out the whole VIP lounge. But then again, there were over fifty people in their party. Allie hadn’t been wrong when she’d said Gwen would get lost in the crowd. Sitting in one of the booths, a sea of bodies blocked her view of everything, and thus, blocked a view of her. She liked it that way. She was able to relax and even enjoy herself a little.

The three lemon drops she’d consumed helped, too.

Their waitress made another appearance and Jennifer, one of the cast members, ordered another round. Gwen had given up protesting. She tried that after the second round, but her words had fallen on deaf ears.

They were a jolly little group of five. Besides her, Allie, and Jennifer, there was also Pam and Jessica, who both worked behind the scenes. It was fascinating hearing everything they did, but if she were asked to repeat any of it, that would be a no-can-do. With their jargon and lingo, it went in one ear and out the other with nothing retained in between.

It was while Allie was in a heated debate with the girls about the pros and cons of greenscreen that the fourth lemon drop hit her bladder. She leaned in and whispered to Allie, “I’m running to the bathroom.”

“You want me to come with?” Allie asked while half her attention was still on the argument.

“No. Stay. I’ll be right back.”

Gwen was at the end of the booth, so she didn’t need to bother anyone to get out. She’d been to Fire enough times to know, there was a set of VIP bathrooms apart from the main ones that were down a hall off the dance floor, and she made her way to them.

She hadn’t made it far before someone clasped her wrist and gave her a tug. Not the steadiest on her feet—insert four lemon drops here—she half-stumbled-half-fell until her wrist was released and an arm captured her around the waist.

She was pushed against the wall of a secluded alcove.

“Thought I’d never get you alone.”

There was enough light to see Dillan had a hold of her. “What are you doing. Get off me.” She struggled, but he had a tight grip.

His hands moved from her waist up her ribcage as the lower half of his body pressed into her, pushing her flatter against the wall. He dipped his head, speaking in her ear. “Come on. You know you want it. I saw the way you were looking at me.”

Glaring was more like it after the shitty way he’d treated Allie. She put her hands on his chest and pushed with all her strength, but the angle was awkward, so she didn’t have much leverage, and he didn’t move an inch. “I said, get off—"

His hand covered her mouth, muffling her yelled protest.

Gwen frantically moved her head back and forth, trying to dislodge Dillan’s hand, but he squeezed her cheeks harder, his grip relentless. She tried kicking out with her legs, but in such close quarters, her actions were ineffective and not doing much damage.

She needed to stop panicking and think. He couldn’t do anything. They were in a crowded club. Sure, they were mostly secluded, but there were fifty people not more than a stone’s throw away. She just needed to get someone’s attention.

“Stop fighting. Relax and enjoy it.”

Was he fucking crazy? Gwen pushed harder with her hands, but Dillan was an immovable wall. She tried yelling through his hand but with it partially blocking her nose, it was hard to take a deep breath.

His hand moved from her ribs to fondle her breast—no finesse, just pure greed. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t pleasant.

She grabbed hold of his wrist and tried to yank his hand from her mouth. If she could scream loud enough to be heard over the music, she knew someone would help.

“Come on, you know you want it. It’s an honor to get fucked by me. Ask your friend.” The snarl was a gruff whisper in her ear.

God, what an asshole. With all her strength and putting her whole body into it, she shoved. He rocked back a little but not enough. Real fear started to set in, and a whimper escaped, sounding muffled against his hand.

A blink later, he was suddenly gone. Ripped away so fast, it took her a few seconds to process it had actually happened. She sagged against the wall, her legs unable to fully support her and hugged herself as a shiver raced through her body.

She looked over to see Dillan was on the ground and Blake was hovering over him, a hand around his neck. Relief swept through her at the sight of Blake, though she wasn’t unaware of the irony that he was the one she’d hoped to avoid that night.