Alexis's face flushed. "Yes, these seats are a tad uncomfortable. Just trying to find a comfortable position."
"Reverse cowgirl is a pretty comfortable position," she said, letting Alexis know she didn't get anything by her.
"Ha, Ha, very funny. Let's finish these drinks then hit the dance floor."
"Sounds like a plan," Steph said, picking up her glass and downing the contents in two long swallows.
With wide eyes, Alexis followed suit. Only, it took her four swallows to finish her wine.
An hour later, Alexis was done dancing. It was more work keeping the guys from getting too handsy than it was actually dancing. She was hot, thirsty, and in desperate need of some water.
She signaled to Steph that she needed something to drink. Steph nodded and signaled back that she wanted to keep dancing.
She made her way to the bar and stood a few minutes until a small opening appeared. She wedged herself in and waited for the bartender to make his way over to her.
While she waited, the guy standing next to her asked, "Can I buy you a drink?"
"No thanks, I'm only getting water." The bartender stepped in front of her and wiped a white towel over the bar. "Water please," she said. He gave her a nod, reached under the counter, and pulled out a bottled water. "Thank you." She slid the bartender her credit card.
He shook his head. "Water's on the house."
"Thanks again," she smiled, slipping the card back into her bag and uncapping the bottle.
After taking a long drink, she heard the guy next to her say, "Don't I know you? You look familiar. Although I can't imagine I'd ever forget a face like yours."
Alexis rolled her eyes. As a pickup line, it sucked. He could have at least tried to be a little more creative. She turned her head to look at him. He wasn't bad looking, a bit on the older side, late thirties maybe. He had light-brown hair, thinning at the top, and brown eyes. He wore a pair of dark jeans paired with a black blazer, and a white, button-down shirt. "No." She kept it short and sweet. Maybe he would take the hint and leave her alone.
Nope, he was Mr. Never Say Die. "You sure I can't buy you a drink? You look really thirsty."
"The lady said no."
Alexis jumped, startled by the voice coming from so close behind her. She set her bottle of water down on the bar-top and turned. Standing before her was Jack. He wore a form fitting (obviously custom-tailored), black suit with a dark gray, almost black shirt unbuttoned at the throat and no tie. His hair was slicked back away from his clean-shaven face. She stared, her eyes devouring his features. He was even more stunning than she remembered, and she remembered being pretty stunned.
She looked into his eyes, but he was looking at the guy behind her.
"I don't see how this is any of your business," the guy (stupidly Alexis thought) behind her said.
Alexis watched Jack's jaw harden. "When a lady says no and some asshole doesn't take the hint, I make it my business."
"Did you just call me an asshole?"
Alexis had to stop this before things got out of hand. She placed her hand on Jack's chest to capture his attention.
He looked down at her. "It's okay. I can take care of myself." His eyes got hard and his jaw locked again. Once more, his eyes moved to the guy behind her.
"Whatever man, I'm leaving. No piece of ass, no mater how fine is worth this much trouble."
Alexis turned her body toward the bar, but her head turned to watch the man walk off toward the dance floor.
"He's wrong you know."
Alexis turned her head back around. "About what?"
"You're definitely worth the trouble." His green eyes scanned her from head to toe then back up again. "You look beautiful tonight. I think I might need an updated picture."
Alexis sighed. "Look Jack, I appreciate you stepping in and taking care of that guy, but that still doesn't change that fact that I'm not interested in what your offering."