As if reading his mind, Nico said, “Come on. Let’s go inspect the damage and see if my money is being put to good use.”
It was wellafter two by the time Marco crawled into one of the guest room beds. All the windows had been boarded, and the mess cleaned up. The guy to measure for new windows was expected sometime the next day. A general contractor was coming, as well.
Marco closed his eyes and willed his mind to stop racing with all the shit that needed to be done. Top of the list?
Finding Volkov, so he could be back with his girl.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
The door toNico’s office opened, and Ricky poked his head through. “Sir? Derek Miller’s at the gate. Says it’s important, so I didn’t kill him.”
What the fuck? “I’ll escort him in,” Marco said, standing from the couch.
Nico sat back in his chair and sighed. “Try to keep him alive. At least until we hear what he has to say.”
Easier said than done, Marco thought as he slipped his gun from the holster at the small of his back and made his way out of the house.
Guarded by two men, Derek eyed him through the metal bars as he approached. He opened his mouth, but Marco beat him to it, raising his gun and pointing it directly in the center of Derek’s forehead. “You’ve got three seconds to tell me why I should let you live.”
Derek’s hands flew up, palms out. “I know where my father is and I’m willing to tell you.”
Marco didn’t lower his gun. “Why?”
“Before I tell you that, I want assurance from the Conti Family.”
Marco flicked his eyes to Johnny, one of Nico’s soldiers, who had a hold of Derek’s right arm. Tony, another soldier, had Derek’s left. “You search him?”
“Yes, sir. He was clean.”
Came unarmed. That was surprising. Smart of him, but surprising. He motioned to the guy in the gatehouse. “Open the gate.”
Marco walked ahead as Johnny and Tony kept hold of Derek. They shoved him in a chair at the front of Nico’s desk but stayed on his either side. Marco went around the desk and stood next to Nico’s chair.
Nico sat forward in his seat, hands clamped together, fingers laced, forearms to his desk. “You’re either very brave or very stupid. Which is it?”
Marco had to give Derek credit. He didn’t flinch. “You forgot desperate.”
Nico raised a brow, and Marco frowned, trying to figure out the guy’s agenda.
Nico sat back, placing his clasped hands on his abdomen. “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s your story?”
Derek issued a mirthless chuckle. “My story? I was born into a fucking nightmare with no opportunity of waking… Until now.”
“Explain,” Nico ordered.
“In exchange for the information I’m about to give you, I want to disappear.”
“I don’t have a problem making that happen,” Marco said tersely.
Derek looked at him and nodded. “I can understand your feelings. I know you’ve been seeing Gabby.”
Seeing was too mild a word to describe what he had with Gabriella, but he wasn’t going to correct him. “And how do you know this?”
“My father. He knows everything about your family.”
“Go on,” Nico said, sounding impatient.