He loosened his hold as she maneuvered herself so she was straddling his lap. His hands slid down her back to cup her ass.
“I’m not hiding anything. I didn’t call because I didn’t want to bother you when I knew Ricky would tell you what happened?”
“First, you could never be a bother, and second, I want to know immediately when something happens to you. Even if it’s just to tell me you stubbed your toe on the fucking coffee table. Understand?”
She seemed to mull that over a few seconds then nodded.
“I need the words, streghetta.”
“I understand.”
“Good. Now tell me about Miller.”
“I told Ricky everything already.”
“Humor me.”
She shrugged. “He snuck into the classroom, sat down beside me, grabbed my arm—"
A growl slipped past his lips. Ricky didn’t tell them that part.
She placed her hands on his shoulders. “Relax, he only did it so I wouldn’t leave. he wanted to apologize.”
That actually made him snort. “Yeah, I bet he did.” The fucker.
“I believed him. And he did…”
He lost her eyes as she stared off into space. He gave her ass a squeeze. “He did what?” When she didn’t answer, he gave her ass another squeeze. “Look at me.” When he got her eyes back, he asked softly, “He did what?”
She took a few seconds to answer and finally said, “Nothing.”
He didn’t push her, instead, saying, “I don’t trust him. He calls you, you don’t answer. You see him, you stay back and call me right away, yeah?”
She nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
He gave her a smile. “Good.” He ran a hand up her back. “Now, what was that about a warn—"
Out of the fucking blue, a loud explosion pierced the air, shaking the couch and rattling the windows. Gabriella’s whole body jerked, and her eyes grew wide and frightened.
“What the…” He stood taking her with him and placing her on her feet. “Don’t move.”
He didn’t wait for her to listen to him but made his way to the door. Already gaping from its broken state, he could clearly see out. The sight that greeted him chilled his blood. The left-side corner of the main house was charred and blackened as flames poured from the two busted out windows that he could see.
“Oh, my God.”
He hadn’t heard Gabriella come up behind him. He looked over his shoulder. “Go lock yourself in the bathroom and call nine-one-one.”
She tried to push past him, but he stopped her, grabbing her arm.
“Marco, my parents are in there!”
He cupped her face. “I know, cara mia. I’ll take care of it. Now, go. Get in the bathroom andlockthe door.”
He didn’t wait for her to argue further, just placed a light kiss on her startled lips and sprinted for the house.
Chapter Fourteen
If not forthe fact Gabby’s phone was in the bedroom, she wouldn’t have moved from the doorway. She was that transfixed on Marco’s retreating figure.