Page 34 of This Thing of Ours

“While it’s true the last thing I wanted was for Gabby to get mixed up in this life any more than she already was, I respect you as a person—hell, just you seeking my approval says a lot for your character. You don’t need it to see Gabby, but I understand where you’re coming from, how if I didn’t approve, it would cause tension between us—and that could get one of us killed. So, I do appreciate the thought process behind it.”

“So, is that a yes?” Marco all but growled, cursing the long-winded bastard.

Nico chuckled. “Sì, amico mio.”

Marco stood. “Then I’m off to make sure she’s really all right. Call me if you need me.”

Nico tipped his head in confirmation, and Marco made his way across the room. He had his hand on the knob when he heard Nico say, “But, Marco.”

Marco looked over his shoulder.

“You hurt her, and I’ll kill you.”

“If I hurt her, I have a feeling Gabriella will do the honors.”

Marco opened the door and closed it behind him, cutting off Nico’s laughter.

Marco pounded onGabriella’s door for the second time, and still, there was no answer. Fear tickling his spine, he pulled out his phone and called her. It went to voicemail. He dialed Leo next, knowing he must be close because Marco had spied his car when arriving.


Marco didn’t stop for pleasantries. “Is Gabriella with you?”

“No. She’s home. Ricky dropped her off about an hour ago.”

“She’s not answering her door. She didn’t leave? Go to the main house?”

“That’s where I’m at now. She’s not here. I’ll call the gate and make sure she didn’t leave.”

“Her car is here.”

“I’ll call you back.”

The line disconnected, and Marco shoved his phone back in his pocket with more force than was necessary as his frustration got the better of him.

Fuck it.

He took a step back, and with a hard kick to the left of the doorknob, slammed his foot against the wood. The door flew open, pissing him off even more that she hadn’t locked the deadbolt. He yelled her name as he walked in and stopped in his tracks at the sight before him.

Gabriella, wrapped in a towel, her hand fisting the material at her breast, dripping wet as she rushed into the room.

Entranced by the vision, it took his brain a few stunned seconds to realize she was alive and well.

He expected to feel relief, but for some strange reason that he couldn’t name, seeing she was okay only fueled his anger.

Eyes wide, she looked over his shoulder before looking back at him. “You really need to stop kicking in my door.”

“Then answer it.”

Her mouth opened, but before she could say anything, his phone rang.

He reached into his pocket and brought the phone to his ear, not once taking his eyes off her. “Yeah?”

Leo’s gruff voice came over the line. “Dino’s at the gate. He said he hasn’t seen Gabby. I traced her phone, and it’s saying she’s home, or, at least, her phone is. Do you want me to call Nico?”

“No, it’s fine. She was in…” his eyes traveled down the length of her, “the shower.” He clenched his jaw as his eye twitched. “I’ll have her check in later.” He clicked off the phone without waiting for a response, took a couple of steps to the couch, and tossed his phone on the coffee table before taking a seat.

His eyes locked on Gabriella still standing in the same spot. “Go put on some clothes.”