Gripping Nate’s hand, Victoria saw Smith come into the room followed by a uniform officer and a man she didn’t know but assumed it was the PI, Carter.
She jumped from the couch, smiling at Nate. “An Oscar-worthy performance, if I do say so myself.”
Nate gave her an enthusiastic kiss on the forehead, grinning, too. “Sweetheart, you were incredible.”
“You weren’t so bad yourself, stud,” she said with a wink.
“What the hell is going on?” Byron yelled, and all eyes turned his direction.
The officer walked over to Byron, pulling out his cuffs and took Byron by the arm when Smith said, “Byron West, you’re under arrest for the attempted murder of Victoria Lee.”
“Murder! That’s crazy.” Byron turned frantic eyes to Victoria. “Tell them that’s crazy,” he pleaded. “I never wanted to kill you. I need you! Don’t you understand? You were going to be a huge star. You were my ticket to the big leagues.”
His eyes turned hard, his tone accusing. “But no, you had to go fall in love and ruin everything by getting pregnant.” Spittle flew from his mouth, and his face was beet red. “Like mother, like daughter, thinking your career is over because of a stupid fucking baby. What was I supposed to do? Just let it happen?”
Victoria held on to Nate as she listened to the harsh words spewing from Byron’s mouth. Beyond words herself, the moment feeling so surreal, she watched, as if from afar, as the officer led Byron out of the room, reading him his rights. Byron, head down, shoulders slumped, and looking defeated, shuffled along without protest.
“This the tainted coffee?” Smith asked, indicating the cup on the coffee table.
“Yes,” Victoria said, dropping her head to Nate’s chest.
He nodded, picking the cup up. “I’ll take it to the lab. I’m sure whatever we find, will put Mr. West away for a very long time.”
Victoria shivered, the reality of everything finally hitting her, and Nate held on to her a little tighter.
Smith left, leaving only Carter behind. “So, I’ve got to say, even under the circumstances, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lee.”
Victoria felt a reluctant smile tug at her lips. Even amongst everything that had just happened, she had to admit he was a good-looking guy. Jet-black hair, crazy blue eyes, strong features, and a killer smile that would rival any in Hollywood combined with a charm that poured off him made for a deadly combination most women would swoon over. “The pleasure is mine, Mr. Carter, for all your help.”
He flashed a cocky grin. “You can call me Jake.”
She felt Nate’s whole body stiffen, and she forced back a laugh. “You’ll be calling him Mr. Carter, and Carter, you’ll be leaving, right the fuck now.”
That did it. She burst out laughing and had to use Nate to support her weight.
“What the fuck is so funny?” Nate growled gruffly.
Gaining control and blinking back tears of mirth, she patted his chest. “You are, stud. You’re fucking hilarious.”
Nate frowned down at her, but Carter tipped his head back and laughed.
Carter clapped Nate on the shoulder. “I’ll leave you to figure that shit out.” With that he was gone, leaving Victoria and Nate alone.
Nate backed them up, plopping down on the couch and pulling her into his lap. “You feeling okay?”
“Yeah. Just a little shocked still. I’ve known Byron a long time and never imagined he’d be capable of such a thing.”
“The thought of money does strange things to people.” He brushed a lock of her bangs out of her eyes.
Seeing the troubled look on his face, she asked him the same thing. “And what about you? Are you feeling okay?”
He sighed, briefly closing his eyes before staring at her intensely. “I didn’t like seeing you like that—in distress. Even knowing it was fake, you scared at least five years off me.”
Her lips twisted into a cheeky grin. “I’m that good an actress, huh?”
“Yeah, baby, you are. But pretend or real, I don’t ever want to see you like that again.”