Carter gave him a look. “Man, who’s the pro here?”
Nate held up his hands. “I’m just saying, don’t fucking lose him.”
“Leave it to me. I’ve got this.”
Carter stayed a ways back, but true to his word, he never lost Byron’s tail.
Nate pulled out his phone and texted Victoria.
Nate: Byron just left. We’re following.
Tori: Roger that.
Nate: Smartass.
Tori: ;)
“Why the hell is he pulling into a pharmacy?” Nate asked as he watched Byron get out of his car and walk into the store.
“Who the hell knows,” Carter answered his rhetorical question. “But we know this guy is off his rocker. Probably got some wacked-as-shit scheme planned.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Carter laughed. “Oh, I wasn’t trying to make you feel better.”
Nate snorted, keeping his eye on the door. Five minutes later, Byron came back out.
“There he is,” Nate said.
“I see him.” Carter put the car in gear, waiting.
They followed him to a coffee shop.
Carter leaned in front of Nate and pulled a high-tech looking piece of equipment out of the glove box.
Nate watched him fiddle with something on it. “What is that?”
“Video camera. How much you want to bet, whatever he bought at the pharmacy goes into that coffee?” Carter asked, training the camera on the windshield.
“I’ve got more money than you,” Nate said, eyeballing the door to the coffee shop.
Carter barked out a laugh. “Not if you take that bet.”
“Here he comes.”
Nate watched as Byron set two coffees down on the hood of his car. He opened the car door, reached in, and came back out with the pharmacy bag. He pulled something out and tossed the bag back into the car. Opening the lid on one of the coffees, he discreetly looked around before opening a packet and dropping something in it. Pulling a stir stick from his pocket, he mixed it then put the lid back on.
“Shame you didn’t take that bet. I’d be a millionaire right now.” Carter put the camera away then shifted into gear.
Nate ignored him, texting Victoria again.
Nate: Do not drink the coffee Byron gives you. Not even a little sip. He laced it with something.
Tori: Copy that.
Nate: Really? Sweetheart, you need to take this seriously.
Tori: Where’s your sense of adventure?