Page 90 of Full House


20 hours earlier…

Nate was still pissed by the time they got home after the accident, but he tried hiding his feelings from Victoria, not wanting to upset her further. He excused himself, going straight to his office. If Smith wasn’t going to take their current accident seriously, he’d call someone who would.

Sitting at his desk, he pulled up the contacts on his phone, scrolling until he got to the name he was looking for. Jake Carter.

It only rang once when the guy picked up. “Reed. Long time, man.”

“Carter,” Nate said by way of greeting. “You’ve been keeping up with current events?”

“If you mean what’s been going on with your woman, then yeah. Well, at least the hyped-up tabloid version.”

“I’ll set you straight if you’re up to making a few bucks.”

“I’m always willing to take your money, Reed.”

“This needs to be top priority. I want information, yesterday.”

“Give me what you’ve got, and I’ll get right on it.”

After Nate filled him in, lastly giving him the plate number, Carter said, “Give me a few hours, and I should have something for you.”

“Appreciate it.”

“And, hey, before you go, how’s your sister doing?”

“She’s doing real good, thanks to you.”

“Glad to hear it. Nothing I like better than doling out assholes’ comeuppance.”

“Well, I’m just glad you found the money her asshole ex tried to hide.”

“Piece of cake, my man,” and then Carter said in an ominous voice, “if you know where to look.”

“Just glad I’m on your good side.”

“It’s always a pleasure doing business with you. Speaking of which, I’ll get back to you soon.”


Stepping out of his office, Nate followed the sounds of cooking to the kitchen. He leaned, just out of the doorway, watching Victoria as she stirred something on the stove. All grace and beauty, he could watch her for hours, even doing the most mundane of tasks, and never grow tired.

He made himself known when she opened the oven. “Something smells good.” Picking up a hand towel he took the tray of the world’s best smelling garlic bread from her hands and set it on the counter.

“Well it’s not the Four Seasons, but I figured I couldn’t mess up spaghetti too badly.”

He would take eating a quiet meal, just the two of them alone, over the fanciest meal in a restaurant any day.

His phone dinged an incoming call as they finished their meal. Fishing it out of his pocket, he saw it was Carter. Feeling a bit guilty, he said, “Sorry to eat and run, but I need to take this. I shouldn’t be too long.”

Victoria waved him off. “I’m just going to clean up. Come find me when you’re done.”

“I will.” He kissed her forehead, answering the phone on his way out of the kitchen. “What did you find out?”

He found Victoria curled up on their bed. She looked so peaceful, he hated to disturb her. He climbed on behind her, wrapping an arm around her and buried his face in her neck. He breathed in her scent. She smelled faintly of him. He loved that.

“I’m not sleeping.” She snuggled closer, rubbing her ass against his dick. Of course, it responded.