Page 82 of Full House

She knew what he said was true, but this was the first time she hadn’t fit into any of her clothes. It was a little depressing. “I suppose I need to go shopping soon.”

Smiling, he kissed the tip of her nose. “We’ll go after lunch.” He searched through her side of the closet. “Meanwhile, you can wear this.” He pulled a gauze, pale-yellow sundress down.

She scrunched her nose. The dress was too casual but would fit because it didn’t have a waist. She supposed it would have to do.

He swiped a finger down her nose. “You’re going to get permanent lines and look like a Klingon.”

“And whatever would you tell our child,” she added sarcastically.

“Precisely. Take those pants off,” he said, pulling the dress from its hanger.

She did as was told, and he slipped the dress over her head. Turning, she looked at herself in the full-length mirror. It wasn’t bad. Nothing fancy, but she didn’t look like a slob.

She saw Nate step up behind her in the mirror, his hands diving under the hem to rub along her torso. “I like this. Easy access.”

She squirmed when he hit a ticklish spot on her side. “Stop fooling around and get dressed, or we’re going to be late.”

He nipped her neck before releasing her, and she scurried into the bedroom.

He materialized a few minutes later dressed in a pair of long linen shorts that fit low on his hips and a casual yet trendy V-neck t-shirt. He wore canvas top-siders without socks. Even dressed down he looked exactly what he was. A movie star.

“You ready?” he asked, grabbing his phone from the dresser.

“Yep. Just need to throw on some shoes.”

She went back into the closet and selected a pair of white, wedge sandals with a three-inch heel, knowing they’d dress up her outfit.

They were in the car in a matter of minutes, the air-conditioner blowing hot air while the car still warmed up.

“I have that meeting tomorrow morning with Campbell to go over last details before they can air my commercial.”

Victoria nodded, she remembered him telling her.

“I shouldn’t be gone longer than a few hours.”

She gave him a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine.”

“I know you will.” He gave her hand a squeeze before putting the car in reverse and backing out of the garage.

As they cruised up Beverly with the air-conditioner finally blowing icy-cold air, Victoria could appreciate what a beautiful day it was. The sky was a lovely shade of pale blue with big cotton clouds floating past, indicating there might be a nice breeze.

They stopped behind a row of several cars at a red light. A flash of neon green caught her attention, and she looked out her side window, laughing. “Wow, look at what that guy is—”

A loud boom reverberated through the car, and a sharp jolt jarred her as they were slammed from behind, cutting her words short.