“I’m sure you and Mr. Warren will have a lovely time.”
Nate’s head popped up at the name, a little wrinkle between his brow.
She heard Byron sigh. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“I’m not going, Byron.”
“Just come and have lunch. Hear what the guy has to say. That’s it. No pressure, no commitments.” She sighed, weakening, and he added, “I promise if you do this and decide you’re still not interested, I’ll quit bugging you about it.”
“You’ll quit bugging me about everything.”
“Yes, yes. Fine.”
“I’m serious, Byron, I do this and no more searching out roles for me until I decide what I’m going to do.”
“I said, fine. But you promise you’ll listen to what Warren has to say with an open mind.”
“I will.”
“Good. We’re meeting at the Four Seasons. One o’clock.”
“We’ll be there.” She hung up before he could pester her more.
Nate raised a brow. “I take it, you’ve decided what we’re doing today.”
Victoria sighed, tossing her phone on the bed. “Lunch at the Four Seasons at one o’clock.”
“With Gideon Warren, I take it.”
“Yes. He’s producing a new film, and Byron thinks I’ll be perfect for the role. It starts filming next summer.”
“And is this something you want?” He’d rolled to his side, elbow to the bed, head resting in his palm. His other hand lay protectively over her stomach.
Victoria sighed. “I don’t know, and I probably won’t know until after the baby arrives. I don’t want to make any decisions until then.”
“It’s just lunch,” Nate said, making it sound so simple, and she guessed it was.
She rolled to her side, mimicking Nate’s position. “Yes. And the bonus is, Byron promised to stop hounding me about work if I go.”
“Sounds like a win-win then,” he smirked, squeezing her hip and moving to sit at the side of the bed.
Victoria followed. Win-win? She could only think of one win, Byron getting off her back. “What’s the second win?”
Nate gave her a grin. “They have great food at the Four Seasons.”
Nate’s phone rang, and he frowned as he reached for it. His conversation was short, and he tossed his phone on the bed after hanging up. “That was Smith. Says he has news but wouldn’t share over the phone. He’ll be here in an hour.”
“Guess our day was planned for us,” Victoria said, rolling from the bed.
“Guess it was.” Nate got up, too. “Shall we conserve water and shower together?”
“I’m all for doing our part to save the environment.” She quirked her lips, pulling her nightie up over her head and tossing it on the floor before making her way to the bathroom.
It didn’t take Nate long to follow.
Nate handed a cup of coffee to the detective before skirting the coffee table to take a seat on the sofa. Victoria sat beside him, and he captured her hand when her butt hit the cushion.
“Thank you,” Smith said, taking a seat in the chair across from them. Sipping from the mug, he winced when the hot liquid hit his lips.