Despite the craziness of the day before and missing out on her nap, she and Nate had been up late. First, compiling a list of names for Detective Smith then moving on to more pleasurable activities. Activities, she realized as she reached for her phone on the bedside table, that had left her pleasantly sore.
“Hello,” she croaked, rolling to her back and noticing Nate’s side of the bed was empty.
“Victoria! I just heard what happened yesterday. Are you all right? Why didn’t you call me?”
She muffled a groan. It was way too early to deal with Byron. She was surprised Mr. Johnny-on-the-Spot was just now hearing the news. “I’m fine.”
Her eyes darted around the bedroom. The closet door was shut, and the bathroom door was open with no sounds coming from inside. She wondered where Nate was.
“Simon told me the police don’t think it was an accident. I’m very concerned. Do they have any leads?”
So, Simon was his source, or at least, one of them. Byron probably had a whole network of spies working for him. Then she thought about what he’d said, how the police didn’t think the light falling yesterday had been an accident. That must mean he didn’t know the first time hadn’t been an accident either. But for some reason, she didn’t feel the need to correct his assumption.
She also didn’t think the police would appreciate her sharing information about the investigation so lied when she answered, “Not that I know of. If they have any leads, they didn’t say anything.”
“I don’t like this at all,” Byron said, sounding aggravated. “The media is going crazy with all their speculations.”
Victoria wondered whether that was one thought or two. Did he not like that someone was targeting her, or that the media was having a field day at her expense? Personally, she’d avoided all media outlets, not wanting to know what crazy theories they’d cooked up.
Hoping to ease his worries, she said, “It’ll die down soon. Nate and I are planning a getaway.”
“You’re leaving?”
“Yes. As soon as Nate clears his schedule and Simon gives us the okay to leave, we’re heading to Vegas to hide out until the cops find out who’s behind it all.”
“But that could take weeks. Maybe even months.”
His voice had an edge, even for Byron, and again, she tried to placate him. “We’ll be close. If anyone needs us, we can be back in a few hours.”
“What about the premiere?”
Victoria sure hoped the police would have the case wrapped up by the release of their movie at the end of December. “That’s still months away. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
“I don’t like this.”
No, Victoria thought, he wouldn’t, but she also didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you in a few days before we leave.”
“Wait. Before you hang up. Just something to think about. There’s a part that’s perfect for you. Filming won’t start until next summer. I talked with the producer, and he’s very interested in you.”
“Goodbye, Byron.”
She heard another shouted, “Wait,” as she pulled the phone from her ear and clicked the off button. Then turned her phone completely off for good measure.
Padding to the bathroom, she discovered a note from Nate sitting on the vanity.
Throw on a bathing suit and meet me out back. XOXO
Victoria couldn’t hold back a giddy smile. Lounging by the pool and staring at Nate in nothing but swim trunks sounded like a great way to spend a Saturday.