The next thing she knew, her name was shouted, and strong arms surrounded her as she was lifted off her feet. Then events blurred together.
The sensation of falling but landing on a solid, warm body.
The loud crash of glass shattering and metal hitting wood.
The tiny pellets of pain from something striking the exposed skin of her legs.
The arms coming up to shield her head as the body rolled, changing their positions, protecting her from further harm.
The heavy panting breath in her ear.
The fast, steady heartbeat against her chest, dueling with her own.
It had all happened in a matter of seconds that had felt like minutes.
A lifetime.
The weight on her lessened as Nate came up on his elbows to stare down at her. “Are you okay?” His hands pushed the hair back from her face, his eyes seeming to search every square inch they could see.
“I… I think so. What happened?”
As if coming out of a trance, Nate jumped to his feet, helping her to hers. His hands moved over her body as she peered around him, staring at the wreckage littering the floor not a foot away from where they stood. A two-foot wide lighting fixture lay broken, its innards spilling out, multi-colored glass shards decorating the ground around it. She tipped her head back, her eyes scanning the catwalk above, but she couldn’t see anything past the glaring lights.
A trickle of blood snaked down Nate’s arm drawing her attention. “You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine.” He moved to her back, crouching low. His fingertips grazed her legs. “You have a few nicks.”
He stood back up, pulling out his phone, and making a call.
The implications of what had just happened started to set in, and she found herself growing dizzy. They could have been seriously injured or even killed. Her vision became blurry and spots danced before her eyes. A high-pitched buzzing rang in her ears, muffling the sound of her name being called. She felt a strong arm encircle her waist, and she grabbed at it like a lifeline. Her last thought before her world went black, as silly as it was… She now knew what it felt like to faint.
“I want answers, and I want them now!” Nate had lost all patience.
He’d already lost his mind when Victoria had fainted in his arms. And his temper when it had taken the EMTs too long to arrive. And he’d completely lost his shit when he’d called Simon only to discover he’d never sent Victoria an email to meet him, to begin with.
So, yeah, he really had nothing else to lose, making him a very unstable man at the moment, with Smith the unlucky recipient of all Nate’s fury.
“I understand your frustration, Mr. Reed. We’re doing everything we can to get you those answers.”
Nate knew he was. Police swarmed the building as they spoke, searching for leads. Searching for anything that might help them find who was behind the attacks on Victoria. But it wasn’t enough, damn it. And it wouldn’t be until the person was caught.
“Frustration is mild compared to what I’m feeling,” he seethed not ready to let his anger go. Anger that stemmed from his inability to control the situation.
He felt a hand on his arm and stiffened, ready to attack the next person in line, until he heard her voice. “Nate.”
He turned to her, his body relaxing. Only for her. Staring down at the one person he’d move heaven and earth for, do anything to protect, he said in a lower yet no less gruff voice, “Go sit back down, sweetheart. I don’t want you on your feet.”
“I’m fine.”
“You fainted.”
“Two hours ago.” She moved closer to his side. “I want to go home.”
He knew what she was really saying, she wanted him to go home. Away from the scene that brought his anger to the forefront. And he would give in because he would do anything she asked.