Page 8 of Full House

She blinked a few times. “Wh… what?”

“Say your line.”

Then it all clicked into place. God, how could she have been so stupid? She closed her eyes, dreading to ask the question she feared she wouldn’t like the answer to. “You kissed me, so I wouldn’t be nervous to kiss you?”

“Yeah. I took away the fear of the unknown.”

Already knowing the truth didn’t make hearing it sting any less. She took a sidestep out of his hold.

“But Tori?”

She stilled, liking the sound of the unfamiliar nickname falling from his lips. Her hurt and ire took a back seat at the desire she saw simmering in his eyes.

“That doesn’t mean I haven’t been fantasizing about doing it, too.”

A slow smile curved her lips. “Yeah?”

He returned her smile. “Oh, yeah.”

Okay, she could live with that.


They’d wrapped up another day of filming, again ahead of schedule, and Nate was leaving his trailer when he spied Victoria leaving hers as well. He took the steps two at a time and headed her direction.

It was stupid to go after her, just as it had been stupid to kiss her earlier without the excuse of performing for the camera, but he found he didn’t give a fuck. For the first time since he started in the business, he was tempted enough to break his number one rule.

No on-set romances.

That had been a line he’d never dare cross—too much drama. And from what he’d seen from fellow colleagues, they never ended well. But for Victoria, he didn’t just want to step over that line, he wanted to obliterate it altogether.

Victoria stopped when she saw him and gave him a wave.

“Going home?” he asked, noticing the purse slung over her shoulder and the keys in her hand.

“Yep. You?”

“Yeah, I thought I’d go home and relax. These short days are nice. That rarely happens.” Then he surprised himself by saying, “Would you like to come over? We can have a drink. Go over our lines.” Reenact their kissing scene a few dozen times until they got it just right.

She smiled but shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Without thinking, only knowing he needed to close the distance between them, he quickly took the couple of steps that still separated them.

Her smile vanished as her lips parted in surprise when he captured her face in his hands. Her eyes widened a fraction before he lost sight of them as his mouth descended to hers, taking her mouth and claiming it as his own. He swallowed her gasp as he invaded her heat, his tongue sliding along hers to tangle in the familiar dance of lovers that somehow felt completely foreign with Victoria.


No, fucking fantastic.

He slid his hand to the back of her head, his fingers sliding through the silky strands of her hair before fisting a handful and tilting her head back to give him better access.

He heard her moan and felt the sharp bite of her nails when she gripped his upper arms as he deepened the kiss.

Her taste on his tongue, the sweet scent of her as he drew in a breath, and her sexy whimpers tantalizing his ears were enough to have him almost coming in his pants like a fucking teenager.

What was she doing to him?

With a groan, he pulled himself away. She was too fucking tempting. Spending more time with her than necessary was probably a really bad idea. But fuck if he had the willpower to walk away.