Page 6 of Full House

“Can I get you kids anything else?”

“I’m good,” Nate said then raised a brow at her. “Victoria?”

“I’m good, too. Everything looks great.”

Rose set their check face down on the table and left. Victoria picked up her fork and stabbed at her eggs, stealing a covert look at Nate while he picked up a fry and popped it in his mouth.

He chewed thoughtfully for a few seconds. “You never answered my question.”

Her fork clattered to her plate, and she hastily picked it up, stabbing at her eggs some more. “Oh, really? What question was that?”

He tried a new tactic. “Do I make you nervous?”

She snorted and choked on a bit of egg that sailed to the back of her throat.

“Here.” He handed her a glass of water.

“Thank you,” she wheezed between coughs.

He took mercy on her and changed the subject. “What made you decide to become an actor?” he asked before taking a big bite of his burger. A drop of goo fell out the bottom and landed on his pile of fries.

That, she could talk about. She shrugged. “I just knew I’d always wanted to be one. My mom was all for it. She saw I had the bug. My dad, of course, still made me go to college.” She gave him a smirk. “I majored in drama.” She took a sip of her coffee. “What about you?”

He set his burger down then wiped his hands on his napkin. “I sort of fell into it. They were filming a scene from a movie at my high school, and for the fuck of it, a bunch of us signed up to be extras. The director saw me, said I had a certain look, and gave me a line to speak. I was hooked ever since.”

“Wow. That’s a great story. You should put it in your bio.”

Nate gave a bark of laughter. “It is.”

Her cheeks felt hot, and she knew she had to be blushing. “Oops. Guess I should read it.”

He shook his head. “I like that you don’t know me. No misconceptions that need correcting.”

She chuckled and raised her brows. “What, the tabloids got it wrong when they said you joined a secret cult while filming in Spain last year?”

Now it was Nate’s turn to snort only he managed to do it without choking on his food. “Those stories are ridiculous, and it seems the more famous you become, the taller their tales grow. What amazes me is how many people believe that shit.”

“Well, just so you know, I never once believed you were secretly a woman.”

His cocky smirk appeared. “But if you’d like to make sure, I’d be happy to prove it to you.”

She hid her smile behind her coffee cup. “That, Mr. Reed, is something I’ll take your word for.”

He gave her a sly smile while picking up his burger. “Well, that’s disappointing.”

Yes, it was.