Page 40 of Full House

She closely examined the peripheral of the photo and didn’t notice any partial bodies. So, were they off alone together?

Strike one for Nate.

Stomach in knots, she scrolled to the next picture—another candid shot. The two of them are standing in a group. Nate’s head is bowed as if trying to hear what she’s saying and hers is tipped up. Zooming in on Nate’s face, he appeared bored.

Second plus for Nate.

But the woman’s hand was resting on Nate’s forearm, and no matter how innocent—or not—the gesture may be, Victoria didn’t like it there.

Strike two for Nate.

But it was the third picture that sealed his fate. A picture taken from behind, Nate’s hand clamped around the woman’s upper arm as they walked out the exit door. And Victoria knew it was the exit as the photographer was sure to include the glowing sign with its telling red letters.

Strike three for Nate, and Victoria was out, clicking her thumb down on the phone’s off button until the screen went black.

She stood from the bed and started to pace, refusing to let the tears come. She knew if she started crying, she wouldn’t stop. She was so angry and heartsick at the same time, she wasn’t sure which emotion would win out.

She brought one hand to her stomach and the other to her mouth as nausea threatened again. She took a couple of deep breaths—in through her nose and out through her mouth—until it passed.

Tipping her head back, she closed her eyes, willing the ache in her heart to go away. When had it happened? When had her feelings for Nate changed? Victoria resumed pacing, unsure when the moment had been but knowing it had happened, nonetheless.

Foolishly, she’d fallen in love with Nathan Reed.

You would think she’d have learned her lesson. Hadn’t she been down that road before? Hadn’t she blindly trusted someone before only to be blindsided by life’s harsh reality?Only this time it would take more than a gallon of Rocky Road and a few weeks contemplation to mend her heart. It would take a miracle.

Stopping in the middle of the room, she swung around, eyeing her closet. She needed to leave. The last thing she wanted to do was sit around an empty house feeling sorry for herself.

Unearthing her suitcase, she tossed it on the bed and filled it with her most comfortable clothes. She had a feeling she might be eating her weight in ice cream and didn’t want to be hindered by something as trivial as a tight waistband.

She paused in the process of collecting her toiletries from the bathroom. Was she overreacting to the situation? Or were the absent phone calls and the photos with another woman Nate’s subtle hint they were through? He had to have seen the photos by now. Had to know what her reaction to them would be without a reassuring phone call. From everything she knew about Nate, she hadn’t thought him the type to end things without a proper conversation. But how well do you really know a person in only six months’ time? Obviously well enough to fall in love with them.

She thought back on their time together, trying to rationalize her fears. Not once had any promises been made. In fact, it had always been Victoria’s belief they’d be through when filming ended. Maybe he assumed she should just know? Sound logic warred with her high emotions as she finished packing until she was left confused and drained.

Whatever the case, she had a gut feeling they were done. And that left her wanting to be in only one place.



Stepping off the plane, Nate had never been so happy to be home. It had been a trip to hell and back, and the only things he wanted were Victoria, his bed, and to sleep for ten hours straight. In that order.

He was severely sleep deprived. After he’d stayed up all night, keeping watch over Victoria after her head injury, he’d left before dawn. He’d needed enough time to stop by his house to pack his bags before getting to the airport in time for his flight.

Arriving at his departure gate with just minutes to spare, he’d discovered they’d overbooked his flight, so even though he was in first class, he’d still had to check his carry-on. Too tired to cause a stink, he’d complied. Big mistake. The airline had lost it along with his phone he’d forgotten to take from its zippered pocket. Thank God, he’d had his passport on him.

He’d caught a short nap on the plane, but with dealing with his lost carry-on after landing, he’d been late getting to the hotel and had no time to rest before he’d been whisked off for rehearsals. Then it had been straight to a party he hadn’t wanted to attend and that had lasted way too long. After which, he’d only gotten a couple hours of sleep before he’d needed to shoot the commercial, not finishing until a few hours before his flight home.

Did he say he was sleep deprived? More accurately, he was running on fumes. But as tired as he was, he still managed to stop by April’s office to pick up his new phone before heading to Victoria’s.

In the state he was in, to say he was mildly annoyed that Victoria’s car wasn’t in her spot when he arrived at her townhouse would be an understatement. All he wanted was Victoria in his arms on a bed. Pulling out his new phone, he barely managed to hold on to his frayed temper when his call went to her voicemail. He parked in the visitors’ lot and used his key to let himself in to wait for her.

Turned out, he ended up waiting a long fucking time—twenty-four hours too long—so by the time he heard her key in the door, he was fucking pissed.

Sitting in the darkened living room, he waited until she entered before reaching over and clicking on the lamp. She looked beautiful, as always, even if a bit tired. The paleness of her cheeks emphasized the dark smudges under her eyes that grew wide the second she spied him lounging back in the chair.

The suitcase at her feet caught his eye, igniting the simmering anger in his chest until it exploded out of his mouth. “Where the fuck have you been, and why the hell haven’t you been answering my texts?”