The nightclub was packed—a sea of bodies from one end of the room to the other. Lights flickered from every direction, creating a kaleidoscope of color. Music blared so loudly, Victoria could feel the bass thumping through her body. The people. The lights. The music. All of it was sensory overload, and she hated it until they were led up a flight of stairs to the VIP section that overlooked everything. There she could breathe.
Their group created quite a stir. She saw people pointing, getting excited as familiar faces were recognized. Nate wasn’t the only famous person in their party, but he was the most well-known. Unless someone lived under a rock, everyone in the crowd gathered below would know him on sight.
A waiter came by, holding a tray of champagne. Nate grabbed two flutes, handing her one, and so not to be conspicuous, she smiled before pretending to take a sip.
“To us,” Rick Massey said, holding up his glass of champagne. “May at least one of us make it to the Oscars.”
“Hear, hear,” the group chorused before clicking glasses.
Victoria followed suit, tapping her glass to Nate’s and the woman’s beside her. While everyone was busy chugging, she set her glass down on the table behind her.
Ever observant, Nate eyed her full glass before asking, “You don’t like it? Do you want something else?”
Latching on to his arm, she leaned in close. “Alcohol makes me sleepy.” She smiled slyly. “I’m not in the mood to be sleepy.”
Nate raised a brow. “Shall I guess what you are in the mood for?”
“You can try, but I can’t guarantee you’ll guess correctly.”
It was almost impossible to be overheard with the blaring music and the raised voices around them, but she was still grateful when he leaned in close to whisper in her ear, “Does it have anything to do with your pussy, my cock, and the many orgasms I can give you?”
It might have something to do with that, but she’d never admit it. “Your arrogance knows no bounds.”
“It’s only arrogant if it’s not true.” He followed his statement with a flick of his tongue, sucking her lobe into his mouth while humming in her ear.
Victoria discovered weak in the knees was a very real thing, and Nate was a master at executing it. She clutched his arm a little tighter, shamelessly pressing herself against his side.
He reached around her, setting his own glass beside hers on the table. “You’re in a mood. That means no more alcohol for me, either.” Placing his now free hand on her hip, he said, “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? That dress looks amazing on you.”
She noticed where his eyes were directed and looked down at the bodice of the black, off-the-shoulder cocktail dress she wore. The way she was pressed against him did amazing things for her cleavage. Looking back up, she batted her eyes. “This old thing.” She smirked, letting him know he didn’t fool her.
They were so lost in their own little world, she didn’t notice Chuck Carter—who played Nate’s brother in the film—until he sidled up to them. “Who do we have to kill to get a real drink around here, eh?” he asked, obviously noticing their barely touched drinks.
“Maybe try the bar, Chuck,” Nate said, stressing the ‘K’ in Chuck’s name.
Although handsome and outgoing, something about Chuck rubbed her the wrong way. Victoria had never met him before they’d started filming. She hadn’t liked him then, and over the course of the past six months, his personality hadn’t grown on her. She could tell by Nate’s tone, he didn’t like him much, either.
Chuck turned his nose up at Nate’s suggestion then looked down it, his eyes locking on her chest. “I must say, you’re looking very nice tonight, Victoria.”
Before Victoria could respond, Nate did. “You can say it, but if you don’t direct your eyes somewhere else, and fast, you’ll need to play a blind man for your next role. And it won’t require acting.”
Chuck’s eyes shot up to meet Nate’s, and he backed away a step at what he saw. Even still, he unwisely tried to save face. “Nothing wrong with admiring a woman’s assets, especially when she has them so prominently displayed.”
“For your sake, I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that and give you the chance to walk away. Not because I give two shits about you but because I don’t want to ruin this night for Victoria. And me ending up in jail for assault, would definitely ruin her night. But know this, the next time you put your eyes on what’s mine, I might not be so generous. So back the fuck away.”
Chuck shrugged and tossed back the last of his champagne before saying, “This is a piss poor party, anyway.” He turned on his heel and left.
“And that’s our cue to leave,” Victoria said, watching Chuck’s retreating back.
“This being social is for the birds.”
“Agreed. We do much better one on one.”
The scowl lingering on Nate’s lips transformed into a smirk. “One on one, huh, why does that sound so dirty.”
Victoria couldn’t hold back her laugh. “Because you have a dirty mind.”