She laughed, playfully nudging her shoulder into his chest before wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. “Thank you for taking me out to see that. It’s an experience I’ll never forget.”
Nate’s arms followed suit, hugging her back. He closed his eyes relishing the feel of her against him, and he thought, neither will I.
Pandemonium greeted them as they stepped off the boat. Nate wasn’t sure how his location had been leaked, but he had a feeling the teenager working the bait and tackle shop might have been to blame. He moved Victoria behind him as the group of fifty or so moved in, crowding them. His name echoed in a chorus of shouts, phones were held above heads to snap pictures, and papers and pens were shoved at him from the people closest.
Raising his arms for silence, Nate yelled over the chatter to be heard, “I promise to get to every one of you if you all take a step back and give us some space.”
As one, the crowd shifted back. Nate smiled, thanking everyone before taking off his glasses and flipping his hat around so the brim was in the back, knowing it was now pointless to hide his identity.
Victoria materialized at his side, and he threw an arm over her shoulder, leaning in to speak softly into her ear. “I’m sorry. This isn’t how I wanted us to spend our afternoon.”
In answer, she wrapped her arm around his waist and tucked herself into his side.
He continued, keeping his tone apologetic. “This is going to take a while. Are you okay with that, or do you want the keys to the car?”
Looking up, she smiled. “I’m fine. Do your thing.”
Nate gave her shoulder a squeeze before pointing to a girl at the edge of the crowd. “Let’s start with you.”