“What about it didn’t you like?”
Nate laughed. “Fair enough.” His phone beeped, and he pulled it from his pocket. “Mack’s ready. Let’s go.”
They left the store, Victoria looking damn sexy in her new floppy fishing hat. He didn’t really have a hat fetish, at least not until he saw Victoria in one. But now he couldn’t seem to get the picture of her in nothing but that damn hat out of his head.
Mack was waiting for them by the boat, and after introducing him to Victoria, they climbed on board.
The day was pleasantly nice for the middle of February. Even with the overcast sky, the temperature was in the low seventies. But a slight breeze blew that he knew would only get stronger once they were out at sea, and he worried Victoria wouldn’t be warm enough in her lightweight hoodie even with the thermal top she had on underneath.
“Let me know if you get cold, and we’ll go below deck.” They leaned against the railing at the bow of the boat, waiting for Mack to get them on their way.
“Will we be able to see the whales below deck?”
“Not as well, but there are windows we can observe them through.”
“Then I want to stay up here. I want the best view possible.”
She turned her head to face him, and the breeze blew a few strands of her hair over her lips. He brushed them away with a fingertip, tucking the wayward lock behind her ear. “Have I told you today how beautiful you are?”
Her eyes flared, and a small smile curved her lips. “It’s the hat.”
He did a slow shake of his head. “No, it’s you.” Then he did something he’d been wanting to do all morning, ever since he found her sitting at the table in his mom’s kitchen—he kissed her. Not like the soft peck he’d given her earlier, but the deep, soul-consuming kind.
Her lips were soft and tasted faintly of cherries, and he ran his tongue across them, wanting to get a better taste. She melted into him, and his arms wrapped her up, one hand diving into the hair at her nape, the other resting on the small of her back. He pulled her in closer, as close as he could get. It wasn’t close enough. She felt so good against him, he could stay with her wrapped in his arms forever.
And forever was a damn long time, but nothing had ever felt so right.
Tilting her head back, he deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking and finding her warmth. Her tongue tangled with his and fucking hell if that didn’t send a tingle down his spine.
He fisted her hair tighter, forcing himself to pull away, but not before indulging in a few nibbling kisses on her bottom lip.
Looking down at her—her eyes closed, cheeks flushed, rosy lips slightly parted and swollen—he’d been wrong.
Forever wasn’t long enough.
She slowly opened her eyes. “It seems you knocked my hat off.” She blinked, and he got lost in her eyes, currently a shade that wasn’t quite green or blue but something in between. Stunning.
“Is that anything like knocking your socks off?” His voice was gruff as if from disuse, but he knew that wasn’t the case. It was Victoria and what she did to him.
“Better.” Then she gave him her smile and that… that was fucking breathtaking.
He grinned. “I can live with that.”
The boat gave a lurch, finally getting underway, and he reached a hand out, gripping the railing to steady them. “You ready to see some whales?”
“With you, I’m ready for anything.”
Good answer.
The smile on her face when she spotted her first whale would be something he would never forget. They’d already been out for over an hour, and he’d begun to fear the trip would be a bust. Admittedly, he’d spent more time watching her than the water, so didn’t miss the first sign of excitement that overcame her features. She executed a little jump and clap of enthusiasm before yelling, pointing at a spray of water followed by the large tailfin emerging as the whale dived back under the water.
Turning eyes his direction, she gushed, “Did you see it?”
“Sorry, my view was blocked by an overzealous woman in a big, floppy hat.”