Page 11 of Full House

His lips trailed a path down the soft skin of her neck, and he breathed in her scent—something floral with a hint of something uniquely Victoria. He continued a path down her chest only stopping when her t-shirt impeded his journey. It needed to go. In fact, all her clothes needed to go.

Rolling to his back, taking Victoria with him so she was now on top of him, he smacked her on the ass. “Stand up.”

He watched her blink, a small smile playing on his lips as she looked at him in confusion. “What?”

“I want you naked, Tori, and the fastest way to get you that way is if you’re standing.”

Her eyes grew wide, and a small O shaped her lips as understanding struck. Then a smile lit her face that shone bright even through the gloom of the room. “In that case, I want you standing, too.”

Bodies up, Nate grabbed the hem of Victoria’s t-shirt and pulled it over her head followed closely by her bra. Her tits were like a magnet not only for his eyes but his hands, as well. They were fucking perfect, round and full, the nipples rosy and begging for attention. He cupped them, enjoying their weight, his thumbs sweeping along the hardened peaks of her nipples. Her back arched, pressing them into his hands, and her head tipped back, exposing the long line of her throat.

His dick throbbed in his jeans as he watched her, his balls growing tight at the sexy-as-fuck little sounds she was making.

Her hands, at his hips, roamed under the hem of his tee, the soft pads of her fingers running along the heated skin of his lower back. He took a half-step, closing the distance between them, and his hands fell from her tits to work the waistband of her jeans. He was growing impatient. He wanted her laid out before him.

Her jeans were snug but not tight, and with a little coaxing, he slid them over her hips to fall down her legs, taking her underwear with them. Using him for support, she toed off her shoes before stepping out of her pants completely.

She pressed against him, tipping her head back to look up at him. Her eyes were hooded while her lips were slightly parted and glistening in the light shining through the door. He’d never seen a sight more beautiful.

The primal part of his brain engaged, wanting to dictate his next actions, telling him he needed to claim, conquer, and mate with the lovely creature before him. But Nate focused on the civilized part of his brain, the one not ruled by his dick, forcing himself to take things slow to draw out both their pleasure.

He got to his knees, grasping her hips, and with his face hovering in front of her stomach, he brought his tongue out to play over the quivering flesh. Her hands settled on his head, clutching at his hair for balance.

“Fuck, I can’t wait another second to find out what you taste like.”

Her stomach dipped as she took a deep breath, and her hold on his hair became firmer. He smiled. She liked his idea.

His position was awkward, and he wanted her comfortable for what he had planned. Still holding her hips, he directed her until the backs of her knees hit the side of the bed.

“Sit.” The command came out harsher than he’d intended, but honestly, it was a miracle he could still form syllables at that point.

It didn’t matter because she did what he’d asked without protest, and he slid his hands down her thighs parting them wide enough to fit his shoulders.

He didn’t play around, he’d save that for another time, this time he went straight to her clit, sucking it deep into his mouth. Her hips jumped, but he had a firm hold on her inner thighs, keeping her in place as he worked the little nub.

God, she smelled good, tasted even better. Like sex and lust, and he was greedy for more. His fingers found her opening. She was wet and slick. Nothing fucking sexier than a woman turned on by what you were doing to them. He curled his finger, finding the right spot, rubbing it with lazy circles while his teeth lightly bit and his tongue flicked her clit.

Then she was coming. He felt it in the pulse against his fingers and heard it in the high-pitched pants she was taking.

Her body lay limp as he worked kisses up her stomach, pausing at her breast to suck in a nipple. He put a knee to the bed, his arms holding himself above her.

He felt her hands ghost along the length of his back and heard her mumble near his ear, “Why are you still dressed?”

He chuckled, giving her nipple a final flick before standing from the bed. He didn’t waste time grabbing the neck of his tee and pulling it over his head. He tackled his boots next, managing to keep balance as he tugged them off. He hooked the waistband of his jeans and underwear with his thumbs, pushing them down in one go, nabbing his socks in the process as he pulled them off his legs.

Victoria’s eyes lingered over each part of his body as it was uncovered, shamelessly taking her time and looking her fill. He didn’t rush because as he stood before her, he did the same. And she was definitely a sight that deserved a leisurely linger.

Their eyes caught and held, and her cheeks turned red. He wondered whether the blush was from getting caught staring or from being the recipient of his stare. In either case, he loved the rosy glow and made a mental note to find other ways of putting it there.

He dipped his chin indicating the top of the bed. “Slide up, sweetheart.”

He waited for her to get positioned before putting a knee to the bed and joining her. He lay on his side, elbow to the bed, head resting in his palm, facing her while his other hand made a trail up the long line of her leg, his fingertips skimming her silky skin. His cock ached as he stared down at her, but he forced himself to stay as he was, wanting to draw out the anticipation. There would only be this one, first time with her, and he wanted to savor every moment of it.

But then Victoria changed the game. Rolling to her side to face him, she threw a leg over his hip, opening herself to him as her hand encircled his dick.

He drew in a sharp breath at the contact and groaned when she started working him with her fist. “Fuck, sweetheart, you’re killing me.” His hand found her ass and squeezed.

A sultry chuckle filled his ears. “I hope you don’t mean that literally.” She squeezed his dick at the base before sliding back up to the tip. “It would be a shame if this went to waste.”

Fuck she was a smartass, and literally had him by the balls. No more Mr. Nice Guy. With a growl, he knocked her hand away, rolling her onto her back. Nestled between her legs, he captured her wrists, forcing them above her head as he hovered over her. “Now it’s my turn to play. And, sweetheart, I don’t like to lose.”