Victoria felt Nate stiffen beside her and racked her brain to remember whether she’d ever mentioned Alec to him. Judging by the angry vibes coming from him, she would guess, not. “Our parents are best friends. We practically grew up together.” There, that should mellow the caveman sitting next to her.
She felt Nate’s eyes on her but refused to look over, instead focusing on the cards she was shuffling. Not that she had anything to hide, but she supposed she should have mentioned her friendship with Alec to Nate before now. It wasn’t as if she deliberately didn’t tell him, it had just never come up in conversation.
She felt a tug on her scalp as Nate pulled a lock of her hair to get her attention. She had no choice but to look at him. “I would think it only fair, full disclosure be made when we get suckered into playing against the Prince of Poker’s prodigy.”
Victoria let out a relieved breath, glad it wouldn’t turn into a thing. “And lose my competitive edge? I don’t think so, stud.”
He smirked. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
She shuffled one last time then set the deck down for Nate to cut. “Keeps you on your toes.”
He cut the deck, giving her a heated look. “Guess it does.”
“Babe, hurry up. We’re going to be late,” Nate called from the bottom of the stairs. They had reservations for dinner at eight. Not that he cared if they were late. He knew the restaurant would hold their table, but he’d been ready forty-five minutes ago, and he was tired of waiting. Not to mention, he was hungry.
“Not yet, sweetheart, but you will be later.”
“Har, har,” Victoria said, materializing at the top of the stairs.
Nate lost his breath, and all thoughts of food flew from his brain. Fuck, she was beautiful. Dressed in a black, skintight number that barely reached the middle of her thighs and highlighted a barely discernible baby bump, she had him feeling an unexpected caveman mentality of mine. Her hair, left down and flowing over her shoulders and framing her face, shined with rich mahogany highlights in the dim lighting and made his fingers ache to run through it. And that face, with only a subtle application of makeup, emphasizing her natural beauty, he could get lost in that face.
Taking a few steps up while she took a few steps down, they met at the midpoint of the staircase. Nate pulled his phone from his pocket, only taking his eyes off her for the few seconds it took him to dial.
The ring on the other end of the line changed to a friendly greeting, and he said, “This is Nathan Reed. My date and I will be an hour late.” He gave Victoria a scorching look. “Hold our reservation.”
“Why are you squirming so much?” They were seated at an intimate table for two along a side wall of an upscale Italian restaurant.
“I think I have a rug burn on my ass.”
Nate tipped his head back and laughed. “Then we’re even. I’ve got one on my knee,” he said after he recovered, a trace of laughter still in his voice.
“Yes, but you’re not sitting on yours.”
He raised a brow, taking her hand and playing with his ring on her finger. “I’ll kiss it all better when we get home.”
“I’ll look forward to that.” A twinkle lit her eyes. Fuck he loved her smile.
A waiter approached their table, his eyes staying on Victoria for longer than Nate liked. Victoria was oblivious, her face buried in the menu.
He cleared his throat grabbing the dude’s attention.
The waiter stood straighter, seeming to recall his surroundings. “Can I get you anything to drink or a starter, perhaps?”
“You want an iced tea, sweetheart?”
Victoria nodded, not looking up from the menu, her lips pursed in what Nate knew as her indecisive face.
“Two iced teas and an extra glass of ice for the lady.”
“Very good, sir. I’ll be back for the rest of your order.”
“You decide what you want?” Nate asked, reaching for a breadstick and taking a bite.
“I can’t decide between the lasagna or the mushroom ravioli.”