She knew very well tabloids weren’t the best source for accurate news stories, but even so, they did hold a grain of truth, and the truth was, Nathan Reed had never been in a serious relationship. He’d been wilder in his younger years, but in recent ones, there’d not been so much as a whiff of a romance scandal, real or otherwise. No secret love child. No jilted lovers. Hell, she couldn’t even remember when she’d last seen him photographed with a woman hanging on his arm.
So, it had been her conclusion, he was a very private person. But by his declaration, it seemed she’d been wrong. And if he wasn’t a private person, did that mean he wasn’t the player she’d assumed he was? For the first time, she wondered if maybe she’d read the situation wrong.
Victoria wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing herself closer. Deciding to change the subject, she looked up at him with a mischievous grin. “Is that a cell phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
As she’d hoped, Nate smiled down at her, humor restored. “You won’t be finding out tonight.”
“I’m finding this role reversal rather strange. Are you playing hard to get, Mr. Reed?”
“No, Miss Lee, I’m ensuring you don’t see me as your best mistake, but your greatest success.”
Victoria tilted her head. Deep down, she'd known those words had been the catalyst for his anger the night before, but for the life of her, she didn't understand why, and she had a feeling even if she asked he wouldn’t answer.
“My greatest success? You don’t set the bar high for yourself, do you?” she teased, knowing he’d take the bait.
And there went up one dark brow. “Believe me, Tori, when I get you under me, you’ll discover the truth of my words.”
The man’s ego knew no bounds. “That sure of yourself, huh?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve never had any complaints.”
Victoria wrinkled her nose. “Gross.” She heard him chuckle, but two could play the “one-up” game. With a wicked smile, she detached herself from his waist and took a step back. “Well, I’ve never had any complaints either.”
She got a secret thrill watching his jaw harden and nostrils flare before turning on her heel and walking toward the bedroom. Had she been full of shit? Definitely. She was most likely a novice when it came to sex compared to Nate. Did she get the last jab in? Absolutely. Take that, Nathan Reed!
Nate ducked his head to avoid the glare of camera flashes as he walked around to the passenger side of his car. Victoria stepped out when he opened her door, and he took her hand, leading her toward the restaurant’s glass double doors. He’d picked the trendiest place in Beverly Hills specifically, knowing the paparazzi hung out there nightly. He’d done it to prove a point. Not to the media. Not to the fans. To Victoria. And he’d keep proving his point until she finally got it.
He was in this for the long haul.
They reached the door, and he turned them, his arm slipping around Victoria’s waist, giving the photographers their money shot before slipping them through the door amid a frenzy of shouted questions.
He kept a hand planted firmly on Victoria’s lower back as a hostess led them to a corner booth, letting her slide in before he followed, plastering himself to her side. He secretly smiled when she didn’t object or scoot away as they were handed menus.
“Your server will arrive shortly. Can I get you anything to drink in the meantime?”
He looked down at Victoria, her face already buried in her menu. “Would you like anything to drink?”
Her head popped up and swiveled, their noses almost bumping. Her eyes widened, realizing how close he was. Her voice was low and soft, but he was close enough to hear her whispered, “What?”
His lips twitched before he repeated, “Do you want something to drink?”
“Oh, just water until I decide what I want to eat.”
He tore his gaze away from her lips before turning back to the hostess, “Two waters, please.”
After the hostess walked away, instead of opening his own menu, he wrapped an arm around Victoria’s back, supporting his weight with a hand on the seat by her hip to lean in closer to read hers.
“Ever hear of personal space?” she asked without looking up from her perusal of the menu.
He held back a grin. “Yes, but don’t worry, I don’t mind you’re in mine.”
He thought he heard a delicate snort before she flipped the page.
“I wasn’t done with the last page yet.”
“Then maybe you should read your own menu.” She quickly flipped the page again, but he saw the small smile that tugged at her lips and knew she did it just to fuck with him.