Page 17 of Puck Me

“I think it would be best.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I’m sorry, Chester, but the appointment really is over. You should go.”

I stand up, glaring at Dr. Storm Harris. He stares placidly back at me. I wait for him to say something else, but he doesn’t, so I turn and leave, hurt and anger roiling inside me.

I had been starting to get over our rocky start. To like Storm—even trust him a little. I’m still not impressed by how he took my choices away in the beginning, but I was getting past that.

Now, though, all that old resentment comes rearing up. Storm doesn’t really care about me. I thought he did, but it turns out that I’m just another appointment to him.

I stomp off to my room. The anger doesn’t sustain me for long. All too soon, it fades, to be replaced with a wave of bleak despair. The black hole inside me sucks even the anger away until I have nothing left. Its strength has been fading recently, but now, it comes back in full force, drawing everything from me, until I’m surprised—and a little disappointed—that there’s still breath in my lungs.

The bed is on the other side of the room, but I’m not going to make it there. I sink to the floor and rest my head on my knees, trying to summon the will to get up.

No. I can’t do this. I can’t give in to my feelings. They are just feelings. They can only destroy me if I let them. Storm taught me that.

I force myself to my feet, mindful of my uncooperative leg, and stumble into bed. I’m not going to lie here and let life happen to me. Storm has told me multiple times that I’m in control of my own destiny. Well, I’m going to take control now.

I want Storm. I want him as more than my doctor. I’ve known that for a long time now. I don’t know if he wants me too—our last conversation would seem to indicate the opposite—but I’m not going to give up without trying.

Perhaps, if I can give him a taste of what he’s missing, he can be brought around. I like the idea. I like it a lot, probably more than I should.

I can feel myself hardening at the thought of what I have in mind. I glance down at my dick in surprise. I haven’t been able to get hard in months now. It’s not that I haven’t tried, simply that my body hasn’t cooperated.

Granted, I’m not fully hard now, but even the beginnings of an erection is something. I’m going to take it and go with it.

I pull my flimsy hospital gown around myself, managing to hide my growing boner as I go back the way I came, to Storm’s office.

Storm looks up from his desk as I walk in. “Chester? Is everything alright?”

I don’t answer. Storm and I have talked extensively. The time for talking is done. This is the time for doing.

I walk around his desk, carefully go to my knees in front of him and reach for his pants. My fingers are inches away from his zipper when Storm pushes his wheely chair back several feet, out of my reach.

“Chester, what are you doing?”

I’m not going to give up that easily. “What does it look like I’m doing? I want you.” I reach for him again, but Storm moves his chair even further back.

“Chester, you’re mypatient. We can’t do this.” He stands up and walks around the desk, putting it between me and him, leaving me alone on my knees. “I’m sorry, but we just can’t.”

“So you don’t want me?” I challenge.

“We can’t,” Storm repeats firmly. “I’m going to need to ask you to leave.”

“I bet I could persuade you otherwise—”

“Please, don’t make me call the orderlies in here.”

It would all be very convincing if I couldn’t see the prominent bulge in Storm’s pants. I know he wants me too. He’s just letting this whole doctor-patient thing get in the way of what we clearly both desire.

“Storm, I can see that you—”

“Enough, Chester. Melody, could we please get an orderly in here. Chester needs some help getting back to his room.”

I stare at Storm in disbelief as he puts down his phone. Is he really calling an orderly on me?

“So much for building trust,” I spit. “And for being vulnerable with you. That back there? I don’t know how much more vulnerable you want me to be, and you go and throw it back in my face.”