“You’ll get back to it, once you’re better. What was your favorite part of volunteering?”
Chester brightens a little. “The best was when some of the terrified cats got to know me. The ones that wouldn’t let anyone else near them. It sometimes took months, but eventually, I got to know them, feed them and pet them.”
Not dissimilar to what I do in many ways.
“It sounds like a wonderful thing to do. How did you get into it?”
It’s forty-five minutes later that I glance at my watch and realize that we’ve gone over time. Chester and I have moved from therapy to simple chatting. But perhaps that is exactly the therapy he needed. It’s so heartening to hear him talk with even a hint of enthusiasm in his voice that I don’t want to end the session, but I know I have to.
Our talk seems to have done wonders for Chester’s mood. His eyes are brighter and he’s moving a little more easily now, rather than being pinned to the mattress by the weight of his misery.
I hate to end it here, but I have other patients to see and I don’t want to keep them waiting.
“Look, I’ve got get going, but we can pick this up tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. I’d like that.” Chester gives me a shy smile. I can’t help glancing over my shoulder at him as I leave. For the first time since I’ve known him, Chester is smiling.
I sit bolt upright in bed, panting for breath. My cock is achingly hard in my pants and my hand automatically goes to it, rubbing and stroking. I’m already close to coming, the dream still at the forefront of my mind.
I close my eyes as I remember.
“Well, Chester, I must say, I’m impressed with your progress. I think you’re ready to come off the medication.”
“I agree. I’m finally feeling like myself again, Dr. Harris, and it’s all thanks to you. I want to show you my appreciation.”
“You don’t need to, Chester. It’s my job, and it was my pleasure doing it.”
“But I want to.”
Chester steps close to me, so close that I can feel his breath on my cheek. I’m sure he’s going to kiss me, but instead, he goes smoothly down to his knees.
Before I can think to stop him, Chester is taking my cock out of my pants, and once his hands are on me, I don’twantto stop him. Chester doesn’t waste any time. He takes my quickly hardening cock into his mouth, and oh god, his mouth around me is like nothing I’ve ever felt before.
I cry out and thrust into his mouth involuntarily before forcibly jerking my hips back. “I-I’m sorry, I—”
Chester pulls off for a moment, stroking my now fully hard cock with one hand as he looks up at me.
“That’s right. Fuck my mouth, Storm. Lose control. I want you to.”
I groan as he takes me back into his mouth, bobbing up and down on my cock, going all the way down to the base for a few strokes before pausing to suck on the head.
I can’t help it. I do exactly as Chester said. My hips snap forward as I start fucking his face with abandon. I grab his hair and use it to guide him slightly to the right, my eyes almost rolling back in my head as he sucks me off so perfectly, it’s like his mouth was made for my cock.
I’m so close, I can feel my balls drawing up. So close…
That’s when I woke up in a state of heightened arousal. My hand is fast and urgent on my cock. I know I should stop. This is wrong. I can’t get myself off to thoughts of a patient.
Too late. I’m coming and coming hard, images of Chester flashing through my mind as my cock squirts come all over my stomach.
I fall back, gasping for breath.
It’s difficult to regret such a good orgasm, but guilt is still roiling within me. I’m trying to help Chester. I can’t be having thoughts like this about him.
It’s one thing dreaming about him. That, I can’t control. Masturbating to the thought of him afterward, though? That I could absolutely control, no matter how much it felt like I couldn’t in the moment.
It’s the first time I’ve ever masturbated to the thought of a guy before, and I wonder what it means for my sexuality. I don’t tend to masturbate often at all. I always figured I’m just not that sexually driven. But, I feel very sexually driven right now. Chester has been making me question my sexuality a lot recently.
Tonight, however, there was no problem with my drive whatsoever—quite the opposite, in fact. If I’d been a bit slower to blow my load, maybe I would have been able to stop myself before I came to the thought of a patient.