As we pull up to the pack house, I see the rest of the pack waiting on the porch. Quinn’s practically vibrating with energy, his honey gold eyes alight with excitement. Zane leans against a post, trying—and failing—to look nonchalant, but I see tension in every line of his body. Dash grins from ear to ear, looking like he’s about to burst with excitement.
We tumble out of the car, and my friends form a protective circle around me. I see the alphas’ nostrils flare as they catch my scent, their eyes darkening with desire, but they keep their distance, respecting the barrier my friends have created. It’s a dance of instincts and respect, and I feel a surge of love for these men who are willing to put my needs first.
“Alright, boys,” Cayenne announces, her voice brooking no argument. “We have a nest to build. You can make yourselves useful by carrying the bags in.”
The next hour is a whirlwind of activity. We commandeer the master bedroom, transforming it into a cozy den perfect for my upcoming heat. My friends work with practiced efficiency, arranging blankets and pillows into a nest that looks so inviting, I have to resist the urge to dive right in.
Ginger takes charge of organizing the supplies, setting up a mini- ridge stocked with water and energy drinks, and placing snacks within easy reach. Willow hangs blackout curtains to keep the room dark and cool, while Cayenne fusses over the arrangement of the nest, making sure it’s just right.
The alphas hover at the edges of the room, looking both eager to help and completely out of their element. I catch Dash eyeing a particularly fluffy pillow with interest, only to have his hand slapped away by Cayenne.
“Uh-uh, mister,” she scolds. “No alpha scents in the nest until Aria’s ready.”
Dash pouts, his puppy dog eyes in full effect. “But it looks so comfy…”
I can’t help but laugh at his antics, some of the tension easing from my shoulders. Trust Dash to find humor in this intense situation.
Quinn, ever the problem solver, is fiddling with the thermostat, muttering about optimal heat management algorithms. “If we adjust the temperature by 0.5 degrees every hour, we can create the perfect environment for?—”
“Quinn,” Zane interrupts, his voice gruff but tinged with affection, “I think Aria can manage her own temperature.”
I shoot Zane a grateful look, and he gives me a small nod in return. Of all my alphas, he seems to understand my need for control the most.
As the nest nears completion, a wave of emotion washes over me. This is really happening. I’m about to experience my first heat with my bonded pack. It’s exhilarating and terrifying all at once.
“You okay, honey?” Willow asks, noticing my sudden stillness.
I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat. “Yeah, just… overwhelmed. In a good way, I think.”
She pulls me into a hug, and soon, I’m enveloped in a group embrace, my friends surrounding me with their love and support.
“You’ve got this, Aria,” Ginger whispers fiercely. “You’re the strongest omega I know.”
“And we’re just a phone call away if you need anything,” Cayenne adds. “Anything at all.”
As we break apart, I catch sight of my alphas watching us from the doorway. Their eyes are soft with affection, and I feela surge of love for these men who are willing to let me have this moment with my friends.
“Oh.” Cayenne snaps her fingers. “One more thing.” By the devilish look in her eyes, I know this is going to go one of two ways.
One, I’m going to want to throw something at her.
Two, I’ll hug her.
“Give it to me.” I brace myself for impact.
“Double penetration.” She wags her brows.
I’m too shocked to even say anything.
“Oh!” Ginger bounces from foot to foot. “Double knot penetration.”
“Is that a thing?” Willow gasps as though she is offended, but her crimson cheeks tell me she is more than interested.
I feel my face flush scarlet, a mix of embarrassment and unexpected arousal coursing through me. “Guys!” I hiss, glancing nervously at the alphas still hovering in the doorway. Their expressions range from shocked—Quinn—to intrigued—Dash—to downright predatory—Zane and Malachi.
“What?” Cayenne says innocently. “Just throwing out some ideas. You have four alphas, so you might as well make the most of it.”
“I can’t believe we’re discussing this,” I grumble, burying my face in my hands, but a small part of me is definitely interested in exploring these possibilities.