“Don’t be,” Quinn says, flashing a charming smile. His thumb brushes away a stray tear on my cheek, the touch so gentle it almost undoes me again. “What else are we here for if not middle of the night crying sessions?”

I laugh weakly, grateful for his ability to lighten the mood. Even Zane’s brooding expression softens a bit, the corners of his mouth twitching upward.

“Quinn’s right, in his own way,” Malachi adds, his voice a soothing rumble that I can feel through my whole body. “You have us at your back, Aria. Through hell or high water.”

I look up at them, these four men who have turned my world upside down. In their eyes, I don’t see pity or disappointment, just understanding and something that looks dangerously like love.

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. They love me, all of them, and I… I think I might love them too. The thought is exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.

“I think… I think I need help,” I admit, the words feeling like glass in my throat. “Professional help to deal with my past.”

The moment the words leave my mouth, I feel a mixture of relief and panic. What if they think I’m weak? What if this changes everything?

Malachi’s arms tighten around me, his scent wrapping me in warmth and safety. “That’s incredibly brave, Aria,” he says, his voice low and sincere. “Seeking help isn’t a weakness. It’s a strength.”

Quinn nods enthusiastically, his eyes bright with pride. “Absolutely. And hey, if you want, I can hack into the city’s database and find you the best therapist in town. You know, just a casual bit of cyber espionage for a good cause.”

I can’t help but laugh at that, the sound watery but real. “Thanks, Quinn. Maybe we can stick to legal methods for now?”

Dash grins, a spark of his usual playfulness returning. He ruffles my hair affectionately, the gesture so casual and comforting it makes my heart ache. “That’s my girl. Kicking ass and taking names, even when it comes to your own demons.”

He wraps me up in his arms, nuzzling my neck, and presses a soft kiss to his bite mark before pulling back with a sneaky smile. “You know what we need? A movie. Something to take our minds off things.”

“At this hour?” Zane grumbles, but there’s no real heat in his words.

Dash’s grin widens as he bounces off the bed. “It’s never too early forTheGoonies!”

“The what now?” I ask, confused.

Four sets of eyes turn to me in disbelief. “You’ve never seenThe Goonies?” Quinn exclaims, clutching his chest dramatically. “Oh, sweetheart, we need to fix this immediately.”

There’s a flurry of activity as they set up for the movie. Malachi pulls extra pillows from the closet, arranging them on the bed with meticulous care. Zane disappears downstairs, returning with an armful of snacks. Quinn fiddles with his tablet, setting up the movie to stream to the TV in my room. Dash… well, Dash provides a running commentary on why this is the “greatest movie ever made, no exceptions.”

Before I know it, we’re all piled on the bed and the opening credits are rolling. Dash is practically vibrating with excitement, and even Zane seems to soften as the movie progresses. I find myself caught up in the adventure, laughing at the antics on screen and feeling the tension of the night melt away.

Somewhere between Chunk’s confession and the discovery of One-Eyed Willy’s ship, I realize the others have drifted off. Quinn’s head is on my shoulder, his soft snores tickling my neck. Malachi’s arm is a comforting weight around my waist, his steady heartbeat a soothing rhythm against my back. Zane’s fingers are intertwined with mine, his thumb occasionally brushing my knuckles, even in sleep. Dash is sprawled across our legs, mumbling about pirate treasure.

As the credits roll, I’m the only one still awake. The soft morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over my sleeping pack. For the first time in forever, I feel… safe and loved.

As I bask in this moment of peace, a nagging thought tugs at the edges of my mind. Is this really freedom, or have I just traded one cage for another, gilded and comfortable as it may be? The omega in me purrs contentedly, but somewhere deep inside, a part of me that’s purely Aria whispers a warning.Don’t lose yourself in them. Don’t forget who you are.

I push the thought away, but it lingers like a shadow at the edge of my consciousness. I’m walking a tightrope between independence and belonging, and I’m not sure where I’ll land when I fall, but for now, surrounded by the warmth and love of my pack, I let myself believe that maybe, just maybe, I can have both.

As sleep finally begins to claim me, one last thought flits through my mind. In this delicate balance of love and freedom, how much of myself am I willing to sacrifice? When the timecomes to choose, will I be strong enough to stand on my own, or will I let myself fall into the safety of the pack?

The image of Noah’s smirking face flashes behind my eyelids. He’s still out there, a looming threat on the horizon, but as I drift off to sleep, wrapped in the protective embrace of my pack, I make a silent vow—I won’t let him win. I’ll face my demons, both past and present, and I’ll do it on my own terms. With or without the pack, I’ll find a way to be both the omega they love and the independent woman I’ve fought so hard to become.

It’s a battle I’m not sure I can win, but as I finally succumb to sleep, I know one thing for certain. Let the battle begin, because I have fire in my veins and steel in my spine.



I jolt awake,my skin tingling and my body aching with a familiar, urgent need. The pack house suddenly feels vast and exposed, like I’m a small animal in an open field. I need my nest, my space, but all my things are at my apartment. Panic claws at my throat as I realize my heat is approaching faster than anticipated, a runaway train I can’t control.

As I scramble out of bed, nearly tripping over my own feet, my mind races. Am I ready to be so vulnerable, so needy, in front of my alphas? The omega in me purrs at the thought, but another part, the fiercely independent Aria I’ve fought so hard to become, bristles at the idea of losing control.

The cool morning air hits my feverish skin as I throw on clothes, not caring if they match. I need to get to my apartment before I lose myself to this heat and my alphas.