The abandoned amusement park looms ahead, a twisted silhouette against the night sky. Somewhere in that maze of broken dreams and rusted metal, Aria is waiting for us, and come hell or high water, we’re going to find her.

Noah thinks he’s the predator here, but he’s about to become the prey.



I crouchin the shadows outside the dilapidated warehouse, the scent of cedarwood and amber mingling with the acrid smell of rust and decay. The cool night air carries a hint of approaching rain, prickling against my skin. My pack surrounds me, each of us tense and ready for action. The silence is so profound, I can hear the rapid heartbeats of my packmates, a staccato rhythm matching my own.

Aria’s faint scent, tinged with fear and defiance, drifts from the building, igniting every alpha instinct I have. It’s a bittersweet aroma, like honeysuckle laced with copper, that makes my chest ache with longing and rage.

“Everyone clear on the plan?” I whisper, scanning our surroundings for any sign of movement. The warehouse looms before us, a hulking silhouette against the starlit sky. Broken windows gape like jagged teeth, and the rusted metal siding groans softly in the breeze.

Zane nods, his jaw clenched so tight I hear it pop. His scent, usually leather and spice, now carries an acrid note of fury. “Find Aria. Neutralize threats. And Noah…” Zane’s voice drops to a dangerous growl. “He’s mine.”

“We’ll take him alive,” I state firmly, suppressing the urge for vengeance. “Justice, not revenge, is our goal here.” The words taste bitter on my tongue, but I force them out. We need to be better than our enemies.

Just then, Quinn’s voice crackles through our earpieces, the static making me wince. “Malachi, I have movement on thermal imaging. Noah’s inside, third floor, and he’s not alone.”

My heart skips. This complicates things. “Understood. Stick to the plan, but be prepared for anything. Quinn, keep us updated on any movement.”

“Roger that, boss,” Quinn replies, his tone serious. “I’ll be your eye in the sky or, well, eye in the abandoned Ferris wheel, I guess. Let’s hope it doesn’t decide to take me for a spin.”

With a series of hand signals, I direct the pack to their entry points. Despite the tension, we move in sync, a silent testament to the strength of our bond. The gravel crunches softly beneath our feet as we approach the building, each step echoing in the eerie silence.

We breach the warehouse, neutralizing guards with practiced precision. The deeper we go, the stronger the stench of fear and despair becomes, a cloying miasma that clings to the back of my throat. I realize with a sickening twist that Aria isn’t the only omega being held here. The air is thick with the scent of distressed omegas, a cacophony of pheromones that makes my head spin.

“Dash, Quinn,” I whisper, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart, “change of plans. There are more captives. Get them out while Zane and I find Aria.”

“On it,” Dash responds. “Time to play hero. Always wanted to be Batman. Think they’ll let me keep the cape?”

This isn’t just about us anymore. We’re fighting for every omega trapped in this nightmare.

As we creep up to the third floor, Aria’s scent grows stronger, urging me on. We’re so close. The floorboards creak beneath our weight, each step a potential giveaway. Suddenly, a scream pierces the silence—Aria. The sound cuts through me like a physical blow, sending a jolt of adrenaline through my system.

I move without thinking, crashing through the nearest door with Zane right behind me. The splintering wood sends shards flying, stinging my face and arms. The crash echoes through the building, a thunderous announcement of our arrival.

What I see makes my blood run cold. Aria stands defiant but visibly shaken, her eyes blazing with fury. Her clothes are torn, and I can see bruises forming on her pale skin. Noah has her pinned with a gun pressed to her temple. The metal gleams dully in the dim light, a sinister promise.

“Well, well, well,” Noah purrs, his voice as smooth as silk despite the dangerous glint in his eyes. “If it isn’t the valiant Pack Clarke, come to save the day. I must say, your timing is impeccable. We were just getting to the good part.” His grip on Aria tightens, making her wince.

“Let her go, Noah,” I growl, fighting every primal urge to rip him apart. The taste of violence is metallic on my tongue, my fangs itching to descend. “It’s over. We have the building surrounded.”

Noah’s eyes flicker with a mix of anger and panic. Sweat beads on his forehead, and I can smell the sharp tang of his growing fear, but when he speaks, his voice is calm, almost jovial. “Oh, Malachi…” He chuckles. “Always so noble and righteous, but tell me, have you considered that maybe Aria doesn’t want to be saved, and that maybe she’s exactly where she belongs?”

I feel Zane tense beside me, ready to spring, but we can’t risk it, not with that gun to Aria’s head. I need to keep Noah talking, keep him distracted.

“You think this ends with you?” Noah continues, his charm slipping to reveal the menace beneath. “I’m just one piece of a much larger puzzle, Malachi. You’re not the hero of this story. You’re just opening Pandora’s box, and trust me, you aren’t ready for what’s inside.”

I keep my gaze locked on him but glance briefly at Aria. There’s something in her eyes, a flicker of intent. She’s planning something, and I need to buy her time. The tension in the room is palpable, like electricity crackling in the air.

“Maybe so,” I say, keeping Noah’s focus on me. My voice is steady, but I feel my heart hammering against my ribs. “But you’re the piece we’re taking down today.”

Aria moves in a flash, slamming her head back into Noah’s nose. The sickening crunch of cartilage is followed by the metallic scent of blood. He stumbles, and Zane and I are on him in an instant, disarming and subduing him before he has a chance to recover. The gun clatters to the floor, the sound echoing in the sudden silence.

As Zane cuffs Noah, I rush to Aria, pulling her into my arms. She’s trembling but alive, and I can’t keep the relief from my voice. Her scent envelops me, familiar and precious, though tainted by fear and pain.

“I knew you’d come,” she whispers, her voice hoarse but strong. Her breath is warm against my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. Her eyes flash with determination as she adds, “Now let’s burn this whole operation to the ground.”