Page 45 of Resist Me

“Oh my god.”

I followed his gaze and saw a woman at the squat machine. Her black hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she was dressed in just a sports bra and shorts. Obviously, she was attractive, and Rick might have been falling in love already.

“Don’t hit on a woman at the gym,” I said. “It’s gross.”

“But look at her.”

“Being beautiful isn’t an invitation for attention.”

He snorted. “You just don’t get it.”

“Just because I’m not into women doesn’t mean I don’t get it. Look at that guy.” I nodded toward a man with a golden bun on his head and a muscle shirt that showed his entire torso. “He’s hot and I’m not harassing him.”

“You’re the worst wingman.”

I chuckled as I readjusted my gloves. “There’s a time and a place, you know.”

“The time is now and the place is anywhere.”

The woman sunk into a low squat and started to come back up but struggled. Her legs shook with the effort, her face becoming pinched. I flipped off Rick and headed toward her. Grabbing the bar, I raised and latched it into place.

“Oh my god, you saved me,” she said through heavy breaths. “I thought I was gonna be pinned beneath it and suffocate.”

“That’s a bit dramatic,” I laughed. “You don’t have a spotter?”

She gestured toward the windows. “He’ll be back.”

“Well, you should use these stoppers.” I crouched and raised the safety stops. “If you have to bail, they won’t let the bar fall past there.”

“That’s good to know.”

“I’m assuming you don’t do this often.”

She smiled and bit her lip. “That obvious?”

“You don’t know how to work a smith machine, so kind of.”

She leaned against one side of the machine and studied me. Her hair was stark against her pale skin. The blue of her eyes was so bright, I almost thought they had to be contacts. The color was familiar, but I couldn’t place it off the top of my head.

“Are you new here?” I asked.

“Yeah. Well, I don’t go to the school, but I just moved here to be with my brother.”

“That’s cool. You must be close.”

“Ever since we were wombmates.”

“Wombmates,” I repeated with a laugh. “You’re twins?”

She nodded. The way she fluttered her lashes made it clear she was flirting with me. It also drew my attention to her eyes again. So damn blue.

Something curdled in my stomach. “Uh, who’s your brother?”

“West Densmore. He’s the quarterback. Do you know him?”

“You could say that.”
