“His hard length,” I muttered aloud. My innocence had effectively been shattered. One of the guys was about to take him into his mouth. I was enraptured. Kai claimed that men sucked dick better, but there was no way for him to know since he’d never been with a woman. Reading this, though, I wondered if it was true. A guy would know best what to do with it, in theory.
“Did you eat my cake?”
Pursing my lips, I turned toward Lincoln. He was still lying on the couch, but his head was raised. His eyes were heavy-lidded and there were lines on his face from the cushion.
“Everything else was some Whole Foods, white soccer mom shit,” I replied simply.
I couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or amused. When he sat up, his eyes fell to the book in my hand. His lips parted, but no sound came out.
“I was bored,” I explained.
“That’s… You shouldn’t read that.”
“Because there are guys doing unholy things in it? Yeah, I’m in the middle of one of those scenes, so kindly go back to sleep.”
“Oh my god,” he groaned. “Please put it back.”
“But the knight is about to show him how much skill he has with his sword.”
He got to his feet and snatched the book. When he shoved it into the nightstand drawer, I pouted.
“I was invested.”
“You’ll survive.”
“Maybe I can borrow it.”
He looked ready to explode. After a moment, he let out a breath and pushed his fingers through his hair. It was unkempt, the curls going in different directions and falling over his forehead. They looked springy and I kind of wanted to know what they felt like.
“You took my bed, ate my cake, and read my book. Do you want to wear my clothes too?”
I cocked my head. “Would you let me?”
“No. I’m being facetious.”
“It’s three in the morning. I’d like to go back to sleep, but apparently, I’ve invited a toddler into my home.”
“Then go to sleep,” I suggested.
I stood and dumped the empty carton into the trash, then washed the fork. After I put it away, I turned back to him. He was watching me with a furrowed brow.
“Nothing,” he replied with a shake of his head.
Now that he was awake, I wasn’t sure what to do. I assumed he’d want me to sleep on the couch, but goddamn, that bed was comfortable. If I had a car, I’d probably just go home. Instead, I was stuck here unless I paid an ungodly amount for an Uber. I felt like a helpless child.
I could call Kai, but that felt shameful. Besides, I didn’t want to wake him up. He’d come get me; of that I had no doubt, but he shouldn’t have to.
“I’m sorry,” Lincoln said, startling me.
“For what?”
“Being rude, calling you a toddler.”
I shrugged. “I’m not an easy person to be around.”