Page 31 of Resist Me

Why the hell did I say that? I felt a wave of nausea as I failed to convince myself that it had been in my head. He looked just as shocked.

“Tonight,” I added quickly, but I realized it didn’t help. “Nevermind.”

“Why would you offer to help me?” His eyes were narrowed suspiciously and I couldn’t blame him.

I wanted to say it was because, against my will, I was a nice person. That little kernel of guilt, however, reminded me that I was the reason he was in pain right now. I couldn’t take that back, but I could set aside my petty annoyance for a day to help him out. After that, I’d call us even.

“You’re in desperate need of sleep,” I replied. “I have a couch and no roaches.”

He shrugged, then broke into a smile. “Good enough for me.”

He was already heading toward the parking lot and I was just standing around like a fool. I thought about bringing him to the frat house to sleep, but I remembered they were throwing a party tonight. Besides, I really didn’t want to have to field rumors about this asshole sleeping in my bed. It’d be the talk of the school: Harmon’s quarterbacks shacking up together. The idea made me shudder.

I caught up to West and led him to my motorcycle. That was another thing I hadn’t thought about.

“Uh, are you okay with…” I gestured at the bike.

“Don’t worry. I’m not afraid of touching a guy.”

“I know. I just wanted to know if you were going to scream like a bitch in my ear.”

He scoffed, a smile playing on his lips. With his mood more elevated than it was earlier, my worries eased. He seemed more like himself now.

I grabbed the helmet from the handlebar and passed it to him. He took it, but his brow furrowed.

“You don’t have to let me wear this.”

With a shrug, I swung my leg over the bike. “If someone rides with me, they’re my responsibility.”

“Well, ain’t that just adorable? I didn’t take you for the nurturing type.”

“Just get on.”

West settled behind me and scooted up so that his chest was pressed against my shoulder blades. I tensed when one of his arms came around my waist. He didn’t need to grip me that tightly, but I didn’t say anything. Maybe he actually was nervous.

The engine roared to life and he leaned in close. His breath stroked my neck, making goosebumps rise on my skin.

“That’ll sure get your balls tingling.”

I shook my head. “Put on the helmet.”

“Let’s ride off into the sunset, baby.”

I waited until he’d situated the helmet before I took off out of the lot. He quickly latched onto me again. When we were on the freeway, I revved it, flying past the other cars. It made him tighten his grip and even though I’d intended to slow down, I kept us at that speed. His fingers spread outward, his touch spanning a wider area. Even in my hoodie, I could feel the pressure of his hands.

Unbidden, the memory of him calling me hot on Saturday came to my mind. It didn’t mean anything. He had a terrible filter and was comfortable enough in himself to say things like that. Still, ever since it happened, I’d wondered if it was only to get under my skin or if he’d actually meant what he said. I was aware that I was attractive and he was, well, West, so it didn’t matter at all.

When his hands shifted again, I sucked in a breath.

Jesus. I needed to get out more.

Chapter 12


As I unlocked my front door, I felt strangely nervous. West was literally the first person I’d brought here that I actually knew. Outside of a few casual sex partners over the years, nobody had been to my place. I certainly hadn’t brought anybody I knew in my personal life.

I pushed the door open and flicked on a light. The studio was decent, but it wasn’t spacious. My kitchen had a small island and there was enough room for a couch, the bed, my keyboard, and a TV stand. That was about it. It was all I needed.