“Well, yeah. You’re number two.”
If she meant it as a compliment, West must’ve missed the memo. He twisted the cap on the vodka and took a swig.
“Who are the rest?”
“Uh…” She looked a little uncomfortable as she shifted in the doorway. “Linc, Kai, you, Matt, and Dean.”
“Kai is gay.”
“Also unfortunate.”
Shaking his head, he let out a carefully controlled breath. “Get out of my room.”
Her eyes widened. “What? Why? I thought we were…”
“You think a man’s sexuality is unfortunate because you want to fuck him. So, no, we’re not.”
I watched Jessi’s expression go from shocked to annoyed. West leaned back against the wall across from his room and made a gesture for her to get moving. With a huff, she disappeared inside.
“I don’t need you to defend my honor,” I pointed out. “A lot of people have tried to fuck me, believe it or not.”
“It’s not about you. It’s the principle of it. Men who see women as sex objects or who fetishize lesbians are gross. It’s the same thing.”
I shouldn’t have been surprised considering his best friend was gay. There was something respectable about what he’d just done. He was still an annoying shithead, but now there was one thing I didn’t absolutely despise about him. Just one, though.
Jessi appeared again, fully clothed and breathing heavily. She shot me a glare as if it was my fault she’d pissed off West. I winked at her, which just made her face turn red before she marched away.
“Well,” West said, drawing my attention back to him. “Time to lose myself to my demons and have a rendezvous with an old friend, my left hand.”
With my nose wrinkled in disgust, I started walking down the hall. “See ya.”
I pulled out my phone to check the time, then swore. I was late. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep. Tomorrow, when my groceries got delivered, I’d dive face-first into that ridiculous chocolate ganache cake I ordered. I refused to feel guilty about it.
It only took me a few minutes to reach the parking lot, but Drake already looked annoyed. He was leaning against my motorcycle, which was enough to make me quicken my pace. When he saw me, he straightened and opened his mouth. He didn’t have a chance to speak before I landed a punch to his jaw that immediately made my knuckles ache.
“What the hell?” he roared, cradling his face with one hand.
“Yeah, that’s how I feel too. What the hell was that about? You nearly put him in the hospital.”
“You bitched about hating the guy. I was doing you a favor.”
“A favor,” I scoffed. “I told you I wasn’t playing and vented my frustrations. I never told you to assault him. Why would you do that?”
Drake shrugged without an ounce of remorse. “I underestimated how hard I hit him. You wanted him to be knocked down a peg and that’s what you got, so it doesn’t really matter.”
“Of course it matters,” I hissed. “I wanted him to knock himself down a peg. For fuck’s sake, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a broken rib. You should’ve been flagged for that hit.”
“Shit happens, man.”
“Shit happens? Sure. It has nothing to do with your attempts to fuck me every time we play against each other. You think I’ll get on my knees and thank you, Drake?”
He ground his teeth together, then looked away from me. “My team lost and I need a drink. You wanna go?”
I scoffed and shook my head. “Find someone else to hang out with.”
“Shame you won’t be playing next season, Porter.”
“Get the hell out of my sight.”