The ride to their apartment was pretty short. I found myself wishing we could drive around for a little longer, but he needed to see his sister. Things were rough between them right now. I didn’t know what was going on with Willow and I didn’t think she was ready to tell anybody, even West. Hopefully, they’d both find a way to be simpatico in the meantime because searching for an emotional West during the night was stressful as hell. It was like trying to find a lost puppy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did that crouch and run thing when someone found him.
“Will you come with me?” he asked when I cut the ignition.
I pulled off the helmet, then got off the bike. Tugging his off gently, I clipped it to the side before cupping the bottom of his jaw.
“If you want me to, but I think you should talk to her alone. I can hang out with the guys while you do.”
He nodded. My heart beat faster as we approached the door. I wasn’t too anxious about the situation, but they were both reactive people. The way they bounced off of each other could be a fun time or lead to a situation that devolved extremely quickly. I knew they were twins, but it was almost shocking how alike they were.
After we made it inside, I leaned in to kiss his forehead. He took a deep breath, then headed down the hall. If yelling erupted in there, I might just bring West to my place for a few days so he didn’t completely break.
Sen and Kai were on the couch, so I joined them. They were intertwined like pretzels with their legs and arms wrapped around each other in a way that looked oddly comfortable. Any time they were in a room together, they seemed to be touching. West called them codependent, but I found it sweet that they were so into each other that they wanted to be close all the time.
Maybe my boyfriend would get to that place. Tonight seemed like a bit of a turning point in our relationship. I just hoped he wouldn’t backpedal.
“How is he?” Kai asked.
“He’ll be okay, but I think it also depends on what happens in there.”
He nodded slowly. “They’re both hot messes. Sometimes, it’s like two negatives making a positive, but other times they just add together to make a giant disaster.”
I chuckled and began to tap my fingers on my thighs. “Do you think I’ll scare him off if he has to meet my grandparents at the team dinner?”
Kai put a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. “Uh, shit. Probably. At least, until you run after him and smack some sense into him.”
“So, basically what I have to do every day.”
The way Sen smiled made me raise a brow. “Do you love him?” he asked.
“Jesus,” I muttered. “No, we’ve barely even established that we’re dating and he still tries to claim he hates me. But…”
“Go on.”
Actually, I really didn’t want to, but they both seemed invested in what I was going to say.
“I like him,” I went on. “A lot, but it’s still really new. I’m trying not to completely lose myself in it because I have a tendency to love too hard and so far, that hasn’t done me any favors. It’s kind of hard to figure out where he’s at sometimes.”
“I think that’s what West needs,” Kai said, pulling Sen in tighter. “Someone who loves him too much. Aggressively, even.”
“Maybe. It could also end with me standing alone in the rain with my heart all fucked up.”
Sen frowned. “That’s a sad image.”
“Yeah,” I sighed. “It is.”
“I have an idea. West is like a wild stallion. We have to block him on all sides to keep him from running away.”
Kai laughed. “I like a good analogy as much as the next guy, but I don’t know if corralling him is the answer.”
“What I mean is that we try harder to support him. If each of us is doing it, maybe he’ll feel a little safer.”
Leaning my elbow on the armrest, I cocked my head. “This could also turn out to be more of a cornered dog situation.”
“He’s all bark.”
“Oh, no, he’s got a lot of bite. And headbutts and left hooks.”
“I forgot he was a leftie. That’s what’s wrong with him.”