“Definitely the latter.”
Still holding onto his wrist, I rolled him onto his back and pinned it to the bed. When he tried to kiss me, I leaned away. He growled and dropped his head to the pillow.
“Why so impatient, West?”
“You’re a donut.”
I forced myself not to laugh. “Oh, yeah? What’s your favorite kind?”
He licked his lips before he used his free hand to stroke my cock through my jeans. “The cream-filled ones.”
Leaning down, I grazed my teeth along his earlobe. “In that case, I know how to make you very happy.”
“Mm. You sure know how to wake a guy up.” When I released him and got to my feet, he sat up and glared at me. “What is this?”
“A wake up call, obviously. No sex until after breakfast.”
He stuck his lip out in a pout. “Is there wiggle room in that rule?”
“But look at this face.”
“Yes, you’re beautiful, but so was Lucifer. Get your ass up.”
With a frustrated sound, he flung the blanket off and stood. My eyes fell to the front of his basketball shorts and I had to mentally reinforce my own rule. His sly smile almost made me cave. He really was beautiful and it was worse that he knew how to leverage it.
“What if I just refuse?” he asked, leaning back against the wall. The way his back was slightly arched drew attention to his tall, lean physique. He flexed his abs and bit down on his lower lip.
I faked a yawn and turned around to head into the kitchen. There was a disgruntled sound behind me. I grabbed his coffee and held itout to him, which seemed to cheer him up immediately. When his eyes landed on the box, I swear I heard his stomach growl.
“Don’t let the others see those,” he said.
“Why not?”
“Because they’re allergic.”
“They’re not, but these aren’t for them. I got a baker’s dozen so you can have a dozen and I can have one.”
“Are you real? Like, seriously. Am I in a coma or something and in twenty years, I’ll wake up only to realize that I’m alone with no family, friends, or dudes to buy me donuts?”
“That’s depressing and no, this is very real.”
When he pinched my arm hard, I shoved him backward. “What the hell, man?”
He shrugged. “Had to make sure.”
“You’re supposed to pinch yourself to wake up, not me.”
I grabbed the box of donuts and brought it over to the couch. Setting it on the coffee table, I flipped the lid and grabbed an apple fritter. The thing was twice the size of my hand. It was my favorite treat to get from the bakery I went to downtown.
West ate a maple bar in two bites. I was pretty sure he’d unhinged his jaw like a snake. Did he chew or just inhale it? He picked up another, then flicked a sprinkle at my face.
“Gross,” I said.
“Don’t tell me you don’t like sprinkles.”
“No. They’re like edible aglets. They taste like plastic.”