Page 93 of Resist Me

I nearly choked on the coffee. “Don’t do that.”

“I can’t compliment you?”

“No. You’re not supposed to be sweet.”

“Well, I am, and I know that you like it because you blush every time.”

“Traitorous skin,” I mumbled.

“I know a really good way to take care of that attitude. You were very agreeable an hour ago.”

This time, I felt the heat creep into my cheeks. Coming out of the shower to find Linc in my bed, completely naked, was the stuff of wet dreams.

“Well, my ass hurts, so maybe you should let me fuck you.”

“Okay,” he replied simply.

I blinked a few times. “Wait, really? I’m finally allowed?”

“You could have at any point, but you didn’t ask. Maybe I was enjoying your tight little ass too much.”

“You could’ve been enjoying my dick!” I shouted exasperatedly.

He dropped his face into his hand. If they weren’t staring before, they were now. I offered the nosy people a smile before I hid behind my coffee mug.

“Sorry,” I muttered.

Propping his chin in his palm, he stared at me. “You’re insane. Why do I like you?”

“Because I’m likable. Remember when you said I wasn’t likable? I remember. I should’ve knocked you on your ass and turned your head into a football so I could kick it through the goal.”

“Maybe next time, sweetheart.”

My nose wrinkled. “Ew. Is that a new endearment?”

“Hell no, but I knew it’d get under your skin.”

Before I could spew profanities at him, the waiter showed up at our table. From the way he looked at us, I assumed he’d heard my declaration earlier. At least he didn’t have judgy eyes like the guy wearing a ballcap in the corner.

Linc ordered a spinach omelet with seasonal fruit instead of toast and it made me want to vomit. I refused to stand for it anymore.

“Actually,” I said, interrupting what was probably a request for turkey bacon or something gross like that. “Mydarlingfriend over here wants the cheesecake stuffed french toast with extra chocolate syrup. Both sausage and bacon, but he can keep the fruit, I guess.”

The waiter looked to Linc for confirmation. His lips were pursed, but after a moment, he shrugged.

I smiled. “Same thing for me please.”

Once we were alone again, Linc leaned his forearms on the table and dropped his face onto them. “Why?”

“Because, cupcake, you’re disgustingly healthy and if you want to hang out with me, you have to be normal once in a while.”

“Cupcake?” he repeated, still keeping his face buried.

I reached out and ran my fingers through his hair. When he lifted his head, the gold tones in his eyes made it impossible not to stare.

“Can you comply with my demands?” I asked.

He licked his lips slowly before his teeth snagged the lower one. “If you ask nicely.”