Page 68 of Resist Me

“I could give you another split in your lip if you want.”

He rolled his eyes. Vic tried to smother his laugh behind his coffee. After a minute, he snapped his fingers.

“I saw a certain Densmore sneak out this morning.”

My stomach soured. I hadn’t thought about that part. He was going to be pissed if they figured it out.

“Did you?” I asked casually.

“Yeah. The hot one, not your puppy.”

Oh, thank god.

“Who’d she hook up with?” Matt asked.

All eyes turned to Rick, who had been noticeably silent at the island. He held his hands up as if he was innocent. I chuckled at thefact that they’d both stayed the night here. I wondered if they shared an Uber.

Someone appeared at the bottom of the stairs and my brows shot up. Brooks met my eyes, then bit his lip before he continued toward the front door. Since he was here at nine in the morning, his curls were all over the place, and he was carrying his shoes, I had a pretty good guess about what had happened.

But with who? This guy and his secrets had me wildly intrigued.

I sipped my coffee while I looked between the three of them. Each of them were typing on their phone. Interesting. Sometimes, I did miss the drama that went on around here.

“I might marry that girl,” Rick said, apparently deciding he wasn’t going to keep his lips sealed anymore. “When I say she’s just as fucking crazy as her brother…”

And that was enough of being at the house. He wasn’t wrong, though. West was fucking crazy. He hadn’t sucked my dick, but I hadn’t expected him to. While he made out with me, he was very exuberant about rubbing his cock against mine and every time I got close, he would slow to an agonizing pace, keeping me just at that edge. With the way he continued to kiss me, it was almost enough to make me cum without the stimulation. He kept it up for much longer than I would’ve liked, but the payoff rendered me speechless for a few minutes.

Well, whatever happened next was up to him. I was ready to go home and take a long nap in my bed, which was infinitely more comfortable than the one here. When my head stopped hurting, I had a composition to practice, even though I wasn’t in the mood for it. I had a feeling I’d be a little distracted.

Chapter 24


“When did you get a hickey?” Kai asked, coming closer.

I craned my neck away from him. Bringing my coffee mug to my lips, I glared at him, hoping it came off threatening enough for him to stay away. It just made him smile.

“Is it from the party?”

“No,” I mumbled.

“Oh my god, it is. No wonder you wanted to stay. Who’d you hook up with?”

“Just drop it.”

“You’re either ashamed of her or want to keep her to yourself for some reason.”

My face heated. I knew that he could see it because I was too white for dignity. Dumb Irish genes. Seriously, I got black hair, but I couldn’t be blessed with a sliver of melanin? Bullshit.

It had been three days since the party, which made the hickey piss me off even more. Why’d he have to suck on my neck so hard? He was an asshole. A hot, vampiric asshole.

When I got home the next morning, I dropped right back into my bed. I woke up a few hours later and he’d already texted me. Thatcame across as needy. Massive turn off. No, it didn’t make my heart beat faster. That just happened because I’d been forced back to the land of the living and my head hurt from the shots I pounded at the party.

The twinge in my ass had gone away, at least. Soon, all reminders of my sin session with Linc would disappear. I’d forget all about it and we’d go back to staring daggers at each other in passing. Did he ever glare at me the way I did at him? I was pretty sure he used to. There had to be a good reason I loathed the guy. Kai always said I was making something out of nothing. It was crazy to think he’d been right the whole time.

God, I’d never over thought something so much in my life. It didn’t help that Willow kept giving me knowing looks. At the party, it felt like she’d pushed me toward him, so maybe I should blame her for what happened. That was gross, though. I didn’t want my sister to be responsible for that.

I shuddered, making Kai raise a brow. With a huff, I set my cup down and refilled it, then drowned it in white chocolate creamer.