What did I want to do about this? Chase him? Let him run away? Watch him slide his hands around to the front of this woman’s thighs… My hands fisted and I hoped that having my arms crossed over my chest would hide my frustration from anyone who looked at me.
When his lips dropped to the side of her neck, I almost marched right into the crowd to pull him away. Half an hour ago, he’d touched me there. West kissed the same way he did everything else: forcefully but with passion and an energy that was exhilarating. And his face when he was lost in pleasure…
I took a step forward, but someone looped an arm around mine, pulling me back to the wall.
“You should steal him back,” Brooks said. “But not like a caveman.”
I looked at him, keeping my expression carefully blank. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Uh huh. One of you can definitely still feel that dick in their ass, but sure. Deny it.”
“Are you everywhere at all times? Do you know everything?”
“Pretty much.” He had a mischievous smile on his face that somehow made him look mysterious. The guy was strange and I found him extremely interesting.
He shrugged. “Even when you’re in a conversation, there are a hundred opportunities to take in what’s going on around you. If you actually look, that is. Like at their housewarming party. We were talking and you were engaged, but I bet you didn’t know that when West was brought up, you leaned a little closer and listened more. You looked at him without that disdain you used to have. Then, in the cafeteria, you all but begged him to come over and lick your face.”
“That’s gross,” I muttered with a grimace.
“Well, he looked at you the same way and when he realized it, he dipped. Bet he was a dick the next time you saw him.”
“Yeah, actually.”
“Remember how I told you that he faces the devil in the mirror every day? That kinda shit doesn’t make it easy to let people in. Can you imagine hating something inside of yourself that much? You probably wouldn’t let anyone else close enough to see it.”
I studied him, but he was impossible to read. It was unnerving, actually.
“So, he’s scared,” I mused. It wasn’t necessarily new information, but it was deeper than the ideas I’d mulled over before.
“Maybe. I’m just speculating,” he added quickly. “And I’ve probably had too much of the girl scout cookies being passed around in the kitchen, ya know?”
I laughed, shaking my head. High or not, Brooks made a hell of a lot of sense and he saw way too much. West was a runner, or a sprinter, but did he want to be chased? Better find out.
“Wanna help me?” I asked, jerking my chin toward the bastard with his hands on a woman who couldn’t have him.
Brooks smiled and knocked back his beer before he rubbed his hands together. “I guess I can take one for the team. There’s someone I want to make jealous anyway.”
I snorted a laugh. “Really? Who?”
“Some slippery fucker I need to piss off so he stops ignoring me.”
Casually, he pushed through the crowd. When he reached West, he didn’t even say anything to him. He grabbed the girl’s hand and yanked her forward. Holding onto the back of her neck, he dipped his head and kissed her way too passionately for this scene. Then again, it was a frat party. I wouldn’t be surprised if I walked in on a threesome in the bathroom.
West looked surprised and it was clear he was unsure what to do. I came up behind him and grabbed onto his hand, then started backing up. He shot me a glare, but I didn’t stop. Leaning forward, I positioned my lips at his ear.
“I’m a better dancer than her.”
“I don’t want to dance with you.”
“Yes, you do. You should see what I can do with my hips.”
Gripping my hand tightly, he quickly glanced around, then pulled me to the back door. There were people outside, but he kept going until we were around the side of the house. It was dark and I could barely see him, so when he pushed me against the wall, I was caught off guard. I held onto his hips as he braced his hands beside my head and came in close but not near enough for my liking. Still, I waited for him to make a move.
“Why are you doing this to me?” he asked.