My display only made him smile. He sat up further on his knees, breaking my hold, then he latched onto my wrist to keep it in place. His hips moved forward and stroked his dick through my hand. It was undeniably hot as fuck.
He was hot as fuck.
No, West. Focus. Linc is the devil.
He raised a brow as if he could tell what I was thinking. Hell, maybe he could.
“Get out of my head.”
After rolling his eyes, he continued his movements inside of me. The third finger made me arch my hips. I couldn’t even imagine what his dick would feel like, but I wanted to find out.
“It’s your first time,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
I groaned but let him continue. It wasn’t his first time, so maybe he should’ve let me take on his role. Asshole.
My fingers tightened on the sheets as he stimulated my prostate. I couldn’t control the sounds escaping me. He leaned down to kiss my neck, then trailed his lips over my chest. The graze of his teeth overmy nipple caused an unexpected jolt of pleasure to course through me.
The lower he went, the faster my breaths came. I closed my eyes and when his tongue swiped the tip of my dick, I whimpered. It might have been embarrassing if I cared right now. He briefly wrapped his lips around me, then used his tongue underneath the head. I looked down at him and found him staring at me. Again.
“Do you like watching me taste you?” he asked.
The upper hand was gone. It’d been obliterated. Yeeted into the void.
“Do it again,” I said.
He was still smiling as he took the head of my dick into his mouth. His fingers stroked against that spot inside of me before he buried me in his throat.
“Fuck!” I shouted.
Withdrawing, he shook his head. “At this rate, the entire party will know you’re in here.”
I put a hand over my forehead while I blew out a breath. His fingers pulled free, then circled my ass a couple of times.
“Bring your knees up,” he instructed.
Swallowing hard, I did as he said. He grabbed the bottle of lube, but I sat up and snatched it. He watched me curiously as I put some in my hand. When he realized what I was doing, he smirked.
“Can’t get enough of touching me?”
“Fuck you,” I muttered.
Wrapping my fingers around his dick, I stroked him, spreading the lube across his length. Feeling it in my hand reminded me that this whole thing was about to be inside of me, but I wasn’t afraid of it anymore.
He groaned and his head dropped back. Since he’d bared his neck to me, I licked up the column of his throat.
Suddenly, he pushed me onto my back. His fingers traced the same path on my neck that I’d made with my tongue. They moved to the side, then paused just over my pulse point. I had no doubt he could feel how fast my heart was beating.
“Are you sure?” he asked softly.
“You scared?”
His lips thinned. “You annoy the hell out of me.”
“Maybe you should show me how much frustration you’ve built up over the past six months.”
The smile that curved his lips was more wicked than any of the others. He adjusted so that he was leaning over me like before, then reached between us to guide his dick into me slowly. It was definitely more than the toy and I couldn’t stop my sharp intake of breath.