“And you’re not into superheroes, so I guess my reign of terror will never end.”
“Unless a bigger, badder villain comes along.”
“I’m assuming that’s you.”
“I’m a menace to society.”
“Don’t I know it.”
He began to play again. The way he could shut out the world as soon as he touched those keys was mesmerizing. It was like what I did on the field in the seconds leading up to having the ball in my hands.
The thing was, I didn’t come here with any intention of letting him play. He already did it perfectly. The more he obsessed over it, the more rehearsed it would sound, which defeated the purpose.
I waltzed over to him, performing a spin on the way. He pursed his lips, trying to keep his focus on the piano. With a fake yawn, I stretched my arms above my head and pulled off my shirt. He only spared me a brief glance, which was annoying.
“Hey, honey bun,” I purred as I leaned my elbows on the back of the keyboard. “Eyes front.”
“Leave me alone.”
“Aw, peaches. You knew I was incapable of that when you let me in.”
“At least let me get through this one time.”
“But I’m dying for a taste of that nutter butter.”
Removing his hands from the keyboard, he scrunched up his nose and stared at me. “That’s disgusting.”
“Is it? Maybe you’re no fun.”
When I came around to his side, he trailed his fingers up my abdomen. “You’re going to be the death of me, West.”
“Villain, remember?”
He hooked his fingers in the waistband of my jeans and yanked me closer. My hand came down on the keyboard, making an ungodly sound. Suddenly, he got to his feet, already unbuttoning my pants. He tried to push me toward the bed but I resisted, which made him growl. Since he’d violated me in this very place, I decided to repay the favor and lifted him, then dropped him onto the mattress.
His eyes were wide as he stared up at me. I kicked off the rest of my clothes before I pulled his off.
“Back up,” I commanded.
He followed the instruction without a word. Once he was in the middle of the bed, I dropped my knees to the mattress and moved closer to him. I ran my hands up his calves, then his thighs. When I moved to the inside of them, he started to breathe heavier.
“Spread your legs,” I said. “Mm. Does eating ass kinda work the same as eating pussy?”
He laughed. “Dude, I wouldn’t have any idea.”
With a shrug, I dropped to my elbows. What was the worst that could happen? There was no way I’d be with a man and not become an expert at analingus.
I brushed my lips along his inner thigh. His leg shook a little as I moved further up. When I grazed his skin with my teeth, he let out a shuddering breath. Instead of going straight for it, I gently wrapped my lips around one of his balls. My tongue trailed over it, then I moved to the next. I’d already learned that this one was more sensitive, so I sucked on it lightly, just enough to make him gasp. Now that his dick was fully erect, I lowered further and put my hands on his thighs to push them apart.
When I ran my tongue over his ass once, his hips jerked. It was impossible not to smile every time I got him to react like that.
“Did you ever think you’d have West Densmore licking your ass?”
“I would’ve rather died.”
He grunted when I circled him with the firm tip of my tongue. I was ready to own this man. My tongue had probably touched every part of his body now. He belonged to me and I was too selfish to share.
My mouth watered as I continued to draw moans from him. I went from firm pressure to soft, barely a feather’s touch. Every time he gotquieter, I switched it up. I watched him stroke his dick and narrowed my eyes.