Page 60 of Unfix Me

Finally, he laughed. “Vexed?”

“Vexed!” I shouted, stepping back. “To the umpteenth power.”

“Go eat your ice cream.”

“Oh, I intend to. I hope you like your men a little chubby.”

I left him there in his simultaneously fearful and amused state. The same feelings came over me when I saw the gallon tub of ice cream already half gone in West’s lap while he watched something on his phone. From the way he was holding it, I assumed he was prepared to protect it like a mama bear.

Well, this was ass.


After West left, I texted Sen, but he hadn’t answered yet. It was pretty late. We’d ended up playing Diablo for longer than I thought, but it had cheered him up a lot. That was what mattered.

I was really damn tired, but I couldn’t keep my eyes closed. Aside from simply wanting to see him, I’d been thinking about what he’d been through. It must’ve been bad, but how bad? Shitty parents could do a number on someone. I just had a feeling that there was more to it.

Screw it.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and headed to the door in just my basketball shorts, not bothering to grab a shirt. When I tried his doorknob, it was unlocked. Had he forgotten or did he leave it this way because of what I said earlier? Guess we’d find out.

After closing the door behind me, I padded over to the bed. He was on the side closest to the wall and was facing away from me. I lifted the blanket to find him in just his sweats. There wasn’t enough light to adequately admire him.

Carefully, I climbed in behind him. My fingers brushed over his side as I wrapped my arm around him. He jolted, but quickly relaxed.

“What if I was a burglar?” I murmured, nuzzling into his neck.

“You smell like Kai.”

“You know my scent?”

He nodded and it felt like pop rocks had been released into my bloodstream. I tightened my grip on him. When he tilted his head, I pressed my lips to the side of his neck. My hand traveled down his abdomen, over the slight definition of his abs. I reached his pelvic bone and gripped him there while I kissed across his shoulder.

“Kai,” he moaned. “God, why does that feel so good?”

“Because you’ve been forcing all these things in your life that you’ve been told to do. But this right here…” I bit down on his shoulder hard enough to leave indents in his skin. “This is right. You can feel that. There’s nothing anyone could do to change it.”

When I kissed behind his earlobe, he pushed back against me. He must’ve felt that I was hard because he went rigid.

“I’m not trying to have sex with you, Sen. I just want to taste your skin.”

“That’s weird.”

“Oh, my dear, sweet Seneca. Let me show you the world in all its shining, shimmering splendor.”

“Do you have a thing for Disney references?”

I perched my chin on his shoulder and thought about it. “No. They kind of just happen, I think.”

“You were a theater kid, weren’t you?”

“That’s stereotypical. No, I wasn’t, but only because I didn’t have time with football, skating, baseball, taking care of West, and generally being a degenerate teenager.”

“Damn. You have a lot of varied interests. It sort of confuses me.”

“Because I’m not as boring as you thought?”

“No,” he laughed. “You’re so… masculine. And I am too, I guess. They… Um, I just heard that same sex relationships mimic hetero ones.”