“You’re right. If he still can’t call me soon, though, I seriously might get on a plane.”
“Down boy,” West laughed. “Being protective is cute and all, but it’s only a week and a half. He’ll be okay.”
“If you say so.”
“Go tell Willow she’s staying with us while I’m there. Don’t let her go home tonight.”
“What did you say about being protective?”
“I fought for space in the womb with her. I’m allowed.”
After I hung up, I sent one more text to Sen, then went back inside. West was probably right. I couldn’t be an overbearing asshole. Sen was strong and he’d grown a lot since he left home. I had to trust him, but I wasn’t lying before. If things stayed like this, I would be dragging him out of there kicking and screaming. Hopefully, he would come willingly, but I wasn’t opposed to the former.
If Sen ever needed me to save him, I’d be there with my sleeves rolled up, ready to take on the devil himself.
Chapter 34
Kai:Reason I love you #1: You’re beautiful inside and out.
Tapping my nail against the screen, I tried to decide how to respond. I could tell him why I loved him. How did someone really conceptualize that? What I felt was hard to put into words.
“Phone,” Dad barked as he walked into the kitchen.
I flipped it over and removed my elbows from the counter. “Now I can’t even use my phone?”
“Not to talk to… that person.”
It was impossible not to roll my eyes. He caught the expression and his face hardened. Fear tried to lock me in place, but I fought against it.
I was an adult. I liked who I’d become and he couldn’t change that.
He could just make me feel like shit about it.
Dinner with my parents, aunt, and uncle had been awkward beyond belief. There were the typical questions about my classes and my job, then my uncle asked if I had a girlfriend. Even though my parents knew about me, I couldn’t bring myself to say it aloud, so I just said no. It felt like I’d betrayed Kai in that moment.
Glancing out the window, I saw my mom setting pieces of pie on the patio table. It was cold outside, but the area was enclosed and they had a wood stove that kept it comfortable. I used to love sitting out there in the winter. It felt like I was outside and I could feel the chill in the air while I looked at the snow, but it was safe and warm.
“I’m not feeling up for dessert,” I said, pocketing the phone.
Dad grabbed my arm roughly. “Have your mom’s pie, then you can go do whatever you want in your room.”
Thanks for the permission, I wanted to say. Instead, I nodded and slid open the back door.
Mom smiled at me. “Sen, you must be dying to have dessert. Is the food at school good?”
“It’s okay.”
“Tell me more about your friends. You said one is named West.”
I took a seat just as the others walked out of the house. When they were all at the table, I felt like a bug under a microscope.
“Yeah. West is cool. He’s the first person I met.”
“What’s he studying?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted, cocking my head. “He’s on a football scholarship, but I don’t know what classes he takes.”