Page 96 of Unfix Me

Not giving him a chance to respond, I headed off the field. I didn’t want to walk away, but we both needed to think. If I had stayed there, staring at the tears welling in his eyes, I would’ve caved and told him I’d wait. I would wait two years or ten years; whatever he needed. But at what point were the things you did for love just hurting you?

I texted West on my way back to the dorm and when I got to my room, he was standing in front of it. He immediately read my pain and pulled me into a hug.

“What happened?” he asked.

We moved into the room and he waited patiently for me to gather my thoughts. I hated that I was listening for any sound in the hallway. Even now, while my heart felt shredded, I wanted to go to him and make sure that he was okay.

Sitting beside West, I crossed my legs on the bed. “I don’t know if I’m being selfish or demanding too much. It feels like I was unfair to Sen.”

“Would the alternative be unfair to you?”


He blew out a breath. “I’m assuming there’s no middle ground that would avoid both of those.”

“I don’t think so. He’s trying to take the route that he sees as easier, but the only reason he sees it that way is because it’s how he’s lived his whole life. I don’t want him to hurt himself, but it’s also about me. And it doesn’t feel like it should be.”

“The relationship isn’t just about one of you. You’re allowed to think about how it affects you. Do you want to tell me what happened?”

With a nod, I got up to grab the ice cream from the freezer. This time, West didn’t get to eat the whole thing.

Chapter 32


I woke with a start, automatically throwing my arm backward. Something caught it and wrapped around my wrist. The gesture was so familiar to me at this point that I relaxed.

“We fought, but you don’t have to hit me,” he joked as he scooted closer to me. His chest pressed against my back and his breath fluttered across my neck.

“Why’d you come?”

“Should I leave?”

“No,” I said quickly, making him laugh. “I just figured you wouldn’t want to see me.”

“I’m not mad at you, just the whole situation on all sides. When I made you those promises, there were no stipulations, so I’m here. I’ll be here no matter what.”

A tear slid down my cheek. He was too good. I always knew that, but he kept proving it.

“West brought up compromises earlier,” he continued. His hand slid up my bare abdomen as he kissed my neck.

“Compromises?” I prompted when he continued to explore my body.

“Oh, yeah. You distracted me. Christmas break lasts three weeks. I was thinking, if you want, you could spend half of it with your parents and half with me.”

“Yes,” I replied automatically. I felt his lips curve against my neck and I wished I could see his smile. “But they’re not gonna pay for me to fly out there. I don’t think I have enough.”

“Don’t worry about it.”


“I want you there, so I’m getting you there. Besides, my mom already got you a gift.”

As much as I tried to hide it, my shoulders began to shake. Raising up a little, he kissed the tears off the side of my face. I turned to meet his lips. There was a stretch of time today when I thought this wouldn’t happen again.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Don’t be sorry. But… Nevermind.”