Page 85 of Unfix Me

I dropped onto the mattress, pulling him down with me. One of his knees settled between my thighs and his hands boxed me in on either side of my head. He stared down at me, pupils wide and his lips parted.

“Can we…” I trailed off and shifted my gaze lower.

“Not if you aren’t ready.”

“You make me feel ready.”

I tugged his shirt off and tossed it to the side. I tried to even out my breathing. It seemed stupid to feel so nervous about this. Then again, I didn’t know exactly how it worked. I’d been watching videos recently, which made it look incredible. I was also worried about it being painful.

We talked about it a little bit. He was always open to answering any questions, no matter how ridiculous they sounded. I was prepared, but that didn’t take away my fear.

Going for the button on my jeans, he smiled. “I have an idea. It’s arguably as intimate and you might feel more comfortable with it to start.”

“Okay,” I said, drawing out the word.

“Take off your pants. Everything, actually. Get naked.”

My throat bobbed, but I managed not to throw up as I did what he asked. He followed suit, then laid back with his arm propped underneath his head.

I looked at his chest, then moved my gaze down his body. When I reached his dick, my mouth watered. He really was perfect everywhere. I watched with my lip between my teeth as he hardened under my stare.

“Now what?” I asked in a gravelly voice.

“Come here.”

I knelt over him and he grasped my shoulder blades to pull me lower. My dick touched his, making me suck in a breath.

“This is called frotting,” he explained, arching his hips up so that the undersides of our dicks slid against each other.

A heavy breath cascaded out of us both. I dropped to my elbows and immediately kissed him. Planting my knees a little further apart, I thrust forward and groaned. He reached between us to grasp both of our shafts, helping to keep them positioned together while I moved my hips.

I felt our precum on the head of my dick, mixing and making us slide against each other more smoothly as it spread back and forth. He swept his tongue through my mouth while he clung to the back of my neck.

With his hand around our shafts and the way I moved my hips, it felt a lot like having sex. Better, though. Infinitely better. I guess it helped when you were actually sexually attracted to someone. Who knew?

At camp, they made us dance with the girls, who were also supposed to be ‘fixed.’ The idea was that we could force the attraction. That was absolute bullshit. This was easy and natural. It was beautiful.

“God, you feel incredible, Sen.”

“I love that you talk to me when we’re together like this.”

I breathed heavily as I sped up my movements. Dropping my head, I sucked on the side of his neck. When I moved to his mouth, he bit down hard on my lip.

“You made something crazy happen in my stomach,” he said before his words shifted into a moan.


“Because I thought you were about to say you loved me.”

I paused, staring at his smirking face for a second. “No, I wasn’t gonna say that.” I resumed my thrusts, trying not to think too much about it.

“Do you?”

“Why are we doing this now?”

“I’m notoriously problematic and all I’ve been thinking for the past few days is how much I love you and want to tell you.”

Sucking in a breath, I dropped my forehead to his. “You love me?”