Page 31 of Everything I Want

"Oh, Scott," she whispers into my neck. "I want you now."

She will get exactly what she wants. I shed my boxers and rub my cock on her slit, pausing at her entrance. I reach down and place a kiss on her lips before I move again.

I go slow and gentle as she scratches and grabs at my back.

"No. Not slow. Fast, please," she begs. I am all too happy to oblige. I pump in and out, harder and faster. Hitting that spot that she seems to like.

"Scott!" She screams.

"Never a more beautiful sound than you screaming my name," I say as I try to hold on. My fingers are digging into her hips, pulling her into me to hit deeper.

"Not. Going. To. Last. Much. Longer," She breathes out.

"Don't, come with me." I begin to rub her clit gently with my thumb as I continue to ravish her body.

A few seconds later I collapse on top of her, our orgasms coming at the same time.

I roll her into my side, and hold her close. "Merry Christmas, Lorelei Harper," I whisper into her ear.

"Merry Christmas indeed." She peppers my face with small kisses.

"Mom! Where are you?" Adelaide shouts from somewhere in the house.

"Busted," I say.

"Ugh. She doesn't even live here. I thought I was an empty nester." She gets out of bed, and begins gathering her clothes.

When we emerge from the bedroom and go to the kitchen where now Addy, Scarlett and Preston stand drinking coffee.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A handsome man with an inside out flannel, and a mother with some flushed cheeks. Celebrating already?" Scarlett taunts complete with a smirk and lifted eyebrows.

"Honey, I don't know who's worse. Your girls or my boys." At that moment, my boys walk through the front door.

"I don't know but I definitely think we're about to find out," she says walking away from me as I flip my flannel right side out.

"Oh Pops. What is going on here?" Jason asks.

"Oh you know. Just some Christmas sex," Adelaide says bluntly before everyone in the kitchen starts laughing.

"Don't worry future big sis, you're not the only one missing out," Jason says placing a hand on her shoulder.

She looks at him, "Who says I am?" She turns back to the dish she is preparing and I think Jason's jaw hit the floor.

"Just kidding. I'm totally missing out. But that look was pretty priceless." She laughs and he hits her with a dish towel that Lorelei had handed him to dry dishes.

I think this blended family was everything we have been missing and I can't wait to see where it goes.



I am rushing around the kitchen. This will be the first Christmas that I'm not hosting.

I need to get all of the gifts out to the car, and all the dishes I have made. I mutter to myself as I check things off my to do list.

"Honey, come here," Scott holds out his arms.

"I don't have time. I need to -" His strong arms wrap around my back, my face pushed into his chest.