I squeezed my eyes closed and suppressed a groan, but I shifted my hands behind me. She moved toward me, then I felt her chest against mine, her nipples grazing my pecs. They moved over my skin, indicating she was rising on tiptoe.
But I held still, even as she moved her hands behind my neck and brushed her lips against mine. I clutched my hands tightly, doing everything I could to avoid touching her.
I had to hold in my urge to deepen the kiss, too, letting her control everything. Both of her hands slipped from behind my neck and down my arms, her right hand making its way across my stomach. She raced toward my erection, and I held my breath as her tongue snaked out to slide across my lips and into my mouth.
“Mmm,” I moaned when she wrapped her fingers around my cock and gave it a long, enthusiastic stroke.
She was moving fast, too fast, and I was too turned on. I could very well come on her bare stomach if she kept this up, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.
I pulled away from the kiss and said, “Time’s up” in a voice that was husky not because my throat was dry, but because I could no longer control my vocal cords. “Shoot so I can touch you.”
She stepped back, slowly sliding her hand off my cock. That sly smile was still there.
“What makes you think I’m going to land the shot?” she asked.
“I have faith in you.”
I gave her a wink. Winking was not something I normally did. I wasn’t sure I’d ever done it in my life. But all of this flirtatious stuff came naturally with her. Everything came naturally.
As she turned and started toward the basketball, showing her bare backside to me, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Yes, this was a woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I just had to make sure I didn’t do anything to fuck it up.
It was my best shot so far. The basketball went straight through the hoop without even hitting the backboard and barely touching the net. A true airball.
I felt a brief surge of adrenaline over my victory, but then it hit me. He’d promised thirty seconds of touching for every shot I made.
When I turned, he was right behind me, the ball dribbling toward us again. We seemed to be forgetting to retrieve it the further along we went in this. There were more important things to do.
“Turn around,” he said.
That voice was husky like it had been just seconds before I made the shot. The air around me seemed so thick, I could barely breathe. So I held my breath and turned, flattening my hands against my stomach in a pathetic effort to stay calm.
His hands were on top of mine in seconds, his body wrapped around me. I leaned back against him, his erection poking me in the backside, and focused on the feel of his arms surrounding me, the hard wall of his chest against my shoulder blades.
Almost immediately, both hands crept upward, cupping my breasts as he nudged my head to the left with his chin and pressed the side of his face against mine. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, propping it against his shoulder.
It felt so good. His fingers moving over my nipples, then one hand moving down my arm, then across my waist. I knew exactly where that hand was going and my breaths came fast and deep as I waited.
“Spread your legs for me, Aurora,” he said into my ear.
Maybe it was him saying my name. Maybe it was how out of breath and turned on he sounded. Or maybe it was the words coming out of his mouth. Whatever the case, a sigh escaped my slightly parted lips as I did exactly what he said, widening my stance and leaning against him more.
I was starting to feel more than a little weak in the knees as his finger slid inside me. And then he let out a groan that told me he’d learned just how wet he’d made me.
He hadn’t reacted to my comment that I’d never touched a man before. Either he didn’t believe me or he didn’t care. My money was on the former.
“How does this feel?” he asked as his finger moved to my clit.
I knew that was the magic spot. It only took a quick internet search to learn everything about sex. But there was no substitute for actually having it.
“It feels amazing,” I said, already sounding out of breath. “Don’t stop.”
Nothing had ever felt like this. I’d never tried to give myself an orgasm, but if I’d known touching myself could feel like this, I would have started years ago and probably been highly unproductive because of it.
His right hand continued massaging while his left worked on my breasts, fingers circling my areola, then sliding over my nipple. I cried out at the combination of sensations. My bodyfelt like it was going up, up, up on a roller coaster. Eventually, I would hit the peak, and I had a feeling it was going to be even better than what I felt right now.