I had to move the seat back to make room for both of us. But as soon as I was in position, I pulled her toward me and gave her the long, passionate kiss I’d been craving since the first second I saw her.
“This could hurt, right?” she asked as she positioned herself.
I nodded. “Wait just a second.”
Then I lifted up and pulled my wallet out of my back pocket. Tucked away in the area where I kept my cash was a foil packet. It was a condom I kept in there just in case. Every now and then, I checked the expiration date and switched it out if necessary. I learned in my teenage years to always have protection on hand.
“Can’t be too safe,” I said, tearing the packet and withdrawing the condom.
Before I could put it on, Aurora took it from me. “Let me do that.”
I had to walk her through it, but only the first part. Once she got it past the tip, she used both hands to slowly roll it downward. Somehow, she made even putting on a condom foreplay.
And then she positioned my tip at her entrance and slid onto me. She went too deep too fast, probably out of excitement about having sex for the first time. Or maybe she felt the same overwhelming desire I did.
But her grimace of pain went straight to my heart. I did not want to hurt her. It was the last thing I wanted to do.
Luckily, the position was perfect for touching her. I began massaging her clit with my thumb as I rolled my tongue over each of her nipples. A car sped by, then another. I only noticed it as they were passing. I just hoped nobody looked over here—or, God forbid, stopped to see if we needed help.
She gripped my arms as she struggled to go deeper and deeper. Her expression gradually loosened, then it tightened again. It took me a good minute or two to figure out that this particular expression had more to do with her enjoying this. The pleasure was starting to overwhelm the pain.
Soon, though, she made it clear, gasping and sighing as she bounced up and down on my cock. I had to close my eyes to shut it out, but the image remained of that gorgeous face, those generous tits, moving with each bounce.
She was riding me—not going too deep, but ramping up my arousal, nonetheless. I did my best to center my focus on making her feel good, moving in the pattern that she responded to best. It was already becoming familiar. I’d memorize everything about how to please her in bed and come up with new ways as we got to know each other’s bodies more.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.”
She began saying that over and over again in a breathless voice. I dared to open my eyes and saw her eyes were closed, those sexy lips parted, her expression fully relaxed. That expression was one I planned to put on her face every day for the rest of her life.
As she cried out, her tight pussy contracting around my cock, it hit me. She was no longer a virgin.
Something else hit me. I was falling in love with this woman.
Ifelt a little shy as I opened my eyes and looked down at the man I’d given my virginity. I was in love with him.
I was worried he’d see it on my face. Was it wrong? This could be a one-time thing for him, after all. I doubted it, but it was possible.
Without breaking eye contact, I continued moving on him. His eyelids slid shut as he gripped my waist. But his grip wasn’t maneuvering me. He left that up to me.
I could go a little deeper, but not too much, and I wondered if that made a difference for him. It didn’t seem to. As I watched him, a muscle in his jaw twitched. It was barely noticeable, but I already knew this guy’s micro-expressions.
I even knew when his orgasm overtook him. He sucked in a breath and that jaw muscle twitched again. And then I felt him pulsing. If he weren’t wearing a condom, this would be when he’d come inside me. This would be when it would be possible to create a life together.
For the first time in my life, I got it. I understood why people wanted to have children. This was only part of it, of course, butwhen you found someone you loved, making a baby was the most profound way to share that love.
Was I in love?
As he stilled, he pulled me closer to him, his breath still coming hard and fast. Yes, I was in love.
“I don’t want to scare you off,” he said. “But I think I’m already falling in love with you.”
I pulled back and looked down at him. Was he for real?
The look in his eyes told me all I needed to know. He was dead serious. And I suddenly knew, without a doubt, how I felt.