“But he’s a professional, and he’s the only one I could get to come on such short notice.” My mom shot back as she pulled some sort of vegetable casserole out of the oven. “Everyone is going to see these photos.”
I crept past them, not wanting to be pulled into their argument, and went into the dining room. Kat was setting the table and grinned at me. She came over and hooked my arm to pull me down to her level so she could whisper in my ear.“They’ve been arguing about this all afternoon. Mom went and called another photographer without telling Rose.”
A total Mom move. She liked to be in charge of things.
“Everyoneisgoing to see the photos.” Rosemary’s strong voice sounded like it was in the room with us. “That’s why I want Milla to take them. She loves us, and she would never pick bad ones. Plus, they’ll be more candid as Sam and I prefer. Milla has an artist’s eye. She’ll do an excellent job.”
“Carmilla is an amazing artist.” Kat bobbed her head, still talking in a hushed tone. “She makes all her Halloween products by hand. She’s so talented. She also paints and has paintings in galleries. They’re creepy, and Mom hates them, but I really like them.”
Both of my sisters adored Carmilla, and I puffed up with pride at hearing how skilled of an artist she was. She loved artsy stuff as a kid, and it was one area I could never compete with her, but her love of art in part brought me to a career in metalwork. I loved the challenge and working with the forge, but the creative part of me was inspired by her.
“But she’s not a professional. She’ll have you looking like a ghost in a corn field.”
I almost laughed out loud at that. Carmilla would totally get a kick out of it.
“Milla volunteered to do it for free, even after she’s done so much to help me with the wedding so far.” Rosemary continued to defend her best friend. “She’s saving Sam and I money—”
“You mean saving Edward and I money.” Mom’s clipped response dug into me. It wasn’t my place to say anything about the wedding, but that was fucking low.
Kat shook her head and went back to setting the table. She chewed on her bottom lip, her anxiety making her seem older than her eleven years. Was this what it was like at homewhile I’d been away for three years doing my apprenticeship? It twisted my gut to think my mom was suffocating the girls with her need for control, and knowing Edward would do nothing about it.
Anger churned in my gut. It was one thing when my mom got onto my case about things, but Rose and Kat didn’t deserve that bullshit.
“It’s already arranged.” Rosemary marched into the dining room and set a bowl of salad on the table.
Mom followed and set down the casserole with a huff. “Edward and I are paying for the majority of your wedding. You will do it the proper way and use the professional photographer, or you won’t see one cent from us.”
“Mother.” I couldn’t take any more of this. It was Rosemary’s wedding. “Carmilla is a professional artist and Rose’s best friend. She’s the best choice for the job. Even if she had never held a camera before, it’s not your decision. It’s Rose’s and Sam’s.”
Turning and leveling her gaze at me, Mom folded her arms. “Carmilla is a cheap amateur. Sam is a doctor and Rosemary is a Graves. What would people think?”
A cheap amateur? Oh no, she fucking didn’t say that. Every muscle in my body was tight with fury. “People will think they’re in love and have supportive friends. And if you insult Carmilla one more time, I will happily support Rose in not only funding her wedding instead of you but not having you involved at all.”
My mom jerked her chin up and didn’t say a thing as she stormed back to the kitchen. I wasn’t going to survive two months at home. I already wanted to leave.
I glanced at my sisters who stood silently, staring at me with wide eyes for daring to challenge our mother. All of us needed out of this house. Well, at least for a little bit.
“Come on.” I walked around the table to place a hand on their shoulders. As much as I didn’t want to be around my mom and had the choice of leaving, my sisters were still here for a while longer. I wasn’t about to let them suffer alone. “I’m taking you two out for dinner. Have you guys been to the new country buffet in town?”
Kat peered hesitantly at me and then slowly shook her head. “No, not yet. I heard they have the best pies though.”
Rosemary gave me a side-armed hug and smiled, relief softening her eyes. “I’m really craving pie right now.”
I ushered them out of the dining room and to the front foyer away from the kitchen. Let my mom cool off. Edward would be home in a little while, and if he was good at anything, it was calming her down.
Things had been different when my father had been alive. My mom had been as sweet as a kitten and he’d been the best dad. Edward was a decent guy, but he wasn’t an Alpha. He let my mother rule as she saw fit, and her standards were impossibly high.
Right now, my only high standards were for a good piece of pie. I needed to protect my sisters from a controlling parent and make them feel safe and loved. A stress-free dinner out was the first step.
The next step? I didn’t know, but I wasn’t going to let my sisters battle our mother alone anymore.
My house was full of love and happiness. We had a big dinner celebrating my dad’s return from California. He wanted to see every little thing I made for my customers and filled himself up on my mom’s cookies. I offered to clean up the kitchen and give them time together. Hearing their laughter and knowing they were stealing kisses made me happier than the brightest jack-o-lantern.
Yet when I was done cleaning, I grabbed my orange and black plaid wrap and escaped to the tree house. So far, these past few days, I could control my heat by slipping away to my bathroom and masturbating, but my moods were all over the place. Those moods which were suddenly thrown in chaos again when I stared at the new door ring on the tree house entrance.
Some part of me remembered hearing my mom ask Deacon to fix the tree house. She knew I still liked to go out there and read, but I didn’t expect this. It was a little witch’s hat. The tip was crooked and the brim wide, and it was identical to the icon I used for my business.