Our bodies slapped together, faster and faster. His deliciously masculine aroma mingled with mine, and as I caught sight of Silas and Ezekiel out of the corner of my eye, their unique scents surrounded me, tantalizing me as well. My eyes fluttered as I stood on the edge of ecstasy. My pack.
I threw back my head as I screamed with my orgasm.
Kodiak layered my back and shoulders with kisses and mock bites. “Fuck, baby. I want to claim you. Tell me you need me as much as I need you.”
There were no thoughts in my head other than that I needed him on that level as well. Scorching pleasure continued to rock my body. “Yes! Kodiak, yes!”
“I claim you!” He bit me near the back of my neck on the opposite side of Silas’ mark. “Mine!” His knot swelled bigger than ever before, and letting loose with a bellow, he came hard. A second orgasm tore me apart, soaking us in slick, and nearly making me collapse on the bench.
Kodiak removed my hands from the bench and pressed my back against his chest, enfolding me in his arms. His heart thumped as loudly as mine as he laid his cheek against the top of my head.
A coat was set across the bench, and Kodiak lifted me, turning with us still locked together, and sat down with me on his lap. Ezekiel then put a blanket over us, sneaking in to tenderly kiss me. No wink or flirty remark. Just sweet adoration.
I tried not to lean back against Kodiak because of his ribs, but he was refusing to let me budge. He rubbed my arms and nuzzled my head. Finally, when his breathing was nearly back to normal, he asked, “Why?”
Twisting my head to look at him, I blinked. My brain wasn’t in full working order yet. Why what?
“Why did you leave us?”
Silas and Ezekiel sat on the other side of the bench, gazing intently at me. The blizzard still shook the building, but no cold air was coming in from the broken front door. Even with the wind’s howl, it was too quiet as they waited for me to answer.
I swallowed heavily. I knew that eventually they’d either track me down or be persistent in contacting me if I left, and I would have given them the truth then. The situation hadn’t changed. They deserved to hear it from me in person no matter how difficult it would be.
Fat tears formed in the corners of my eyes. “I have to leave to save your pack.” My words came out quivering and barely more than a whisper. “If I stay, it will tear you guys apart, because I will not choose one of you.” I shook my head and lifted my chin. “Nope, I care for all of you. I refuse to be the reason why you aren’t a pack anymore.”
There it was. I told them I was leaving and why. It ripped into my heart as much as it must do so with theirs, but I had to stand firm. They needed one another.
Kodiak tightened his grip on me as if I might run off now. “It’s not your fault. You aren’t the reason—”
I shushed him and wiped at my tears. “Yes, I am. You’re fighting over me. You got hurt because you were fighting aboutme. I would never be able to live with myself if you guys weren’t as close as brothers anymore. All I’ve heard from Savva, Shae, and everyone else in town is how tight you are as a pack, and how you’ve always been there for each other. No matter how you all feel for me, you need one another.”
The Alphas were silent for a moment, chewing on my words. Ezekiel was the first to move, reaching over to take my right hand in his. “You were leaving to keep our pack together? You were protecting us from ourselves?”
That was a funny way of putting it, but I nodded. “Yes. I want you guys to be happy. You’ll never be happy without one another.”
Kodiak dropped his head and placed a soft kiss on his bite mark.
Silas held up his hand to me, and I placed my left one in his. He kissed my fingers as his lips quirked up. “You know it’s the Alpha’s job to protect the Omega.”
“Well, you can fight the bears.” I somehow managed a little smile. “It’s my job to protect my Alphas from destroying themselves.”
Ezekiel’s thumb caressed mine. “Tell us what we need to do to keep you here.”
The weight of all three of their gazes fell on me. I nipped at my lower lip. I needed to be brave, lay it all out. They weren’t going to like it, but if they wanted to know, I would tell them, and then they wouldn’t stop me from leaving when I could finally get a plane out of here. “I don’t want to choose between you. I want you all.” Did I sound greedy? But I couldn’t help the way I felt. I truly did love them all. “I want us to live together as a pack. What I want most of all is for each of you to be happy.”
“I agree,” Ezekiel said without hesitation and gave my hand a squeeze. Silas and Kodiak turned their intense gazes tohim. He smiled and didn’t back down. “I want the exact same thing.”
It wasn’t a surprise that Ezekiel would agree. I loved him all the more for being willing to share, to accommodate us all, and for standing with me.
Kodiak rumbled with a low growl. He was the biggest problem, and it hurt more than anything that his possessiveness would be what ends this all. Silas’ stubbornness didn’t help—
“Alright.” Silas dipped his head. “We can make this work.”
There was no way to hide my surprise. My jaw dropped and I had to make a little effort to close my mouth. My stomach fluttered and my grip on his hand tightened.
“You shouldn’t be so shocked, Omega. You’re part of our pack now. If you’re worried about breaking it up, that’s what you’ll be doing by leaving.” Silas put his other hand over his heart. “I didn’t know how much I wanted you in my life until we almost lost you. If I have to share you to keep you in it, I will.”
I was part of the pack. Joy made me want to whoop and burst out in tears at the same time, but that got caught in my throat as I realized Kodiak hadn’t said a thing. How he felt could end this all.