“Better now that you’re here, baby.” Kodiak cupped the back of my head and kissed me. He tasted minty, like he had just brushed his teeth before I arrived. He kept his hand there—the grip tightening slightly—as Silas entered the room and placed the coffees he had on the bedside table. He nodded once in acknowledgment. “Silas.”

“Kodiak.” Silas retreated to the far end of the room to lean against the wall and sip his coffee. It seemed that a thousand things were said between them without any other words. My stomach twisted, but I kept smiling.

“I brought everything you guys asked for. Silas fried up the sausage, and I made eggs, French toast, cranberry muffins, and scones.” I fetched the tiny rolling table from near the door and placed it between Kodiak and Ezekiel. “If there’s anything else you want, name it, and I’ll go get it for you.”

“Thank you.” Ezekiel beamed as he started to unpack the bag and put all the containers on the table.

“This is great, but you don’t have to go through all that trouble.” Kodiak snagged the sausages and opened the box, breathing in the scent of the meat. “Oh yeah. I’ll be up and getting around by the end of the day.”

“Like hell you will, Kodiak.” A middle-aged woman in scrubs entered the room and gave him a stern look. “I’ve already told you that you’re on bed rest for the next week, and then no work for six.”

Kodiak muttered something that sounded like ‘bullshit,’ and stuffed a muffin in his mouth.

The woman turned to me and held out her hand. She radiated tough mama energy, and I greatly appreciated it. “Hi,I’m Doctor Katherine Berg. You must be Nicolette. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” My smile was much more natural as we shook hands. “Thank you so much for taking care of Kodiak and Ezekiel.”

“Oh, don’t thank me yet. Kodiak will go home tomorrow, and then you’ll have to make sure he doesn’t do any work where he’ll aggravate his ribs. I don’t envy you there.”

I couldn’t stop my giggle. No doubt Kodiak would hate sitting around, but I was determined to help him recover. “I’ll tie him down to the bed if he doesn’t behave.”

Kodiak made a pleased noise and my cheeks warmed.

Katherine chuckled and tapped Ezekiel’s foot with her clipboard. “Ezekiel needs to keep the foot up over the next few days and ice the ankle. Luckily for him, it was only a grade one sprain. It should be better in the next couple of weeks. Just don’t overextend yourself.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Ezekiel grinned at her from around a buttery scone.

“How have you been, Nicolette? Being in heat can take a lot out of an Omega.” My face got hotter as she spoke. “We have two other mated Omegas in town, and I like to keep a close eye on them during their heat cycle. Dehydration is a worry and overexertion.” The doctor studied my flaming face and then looped an arm through mine. “Come walk down the hall with me for a moment.”

I didn’t think of saying no. Ezekiel gave me a wink as I glanced back at the guys, but none of them said anything either. Clearly Katherine ruled the clinic, and everyone respected her.

“This is your first heat, isn’t it?” Katherine asked quietly as we walked. I nodded and she smiled. “All the more reason to check in with your gynecologist. And if you’re living here, that would be me. I’ve dealt with all the Omegas on the islandfor the past twenty years. Mind you, there haven’t been a lot, but Omegas do require more care than Beta and Alpha females. So if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t be embarrassed to bring them to me.”

“Thank you. It’s been… crazy.” That was an understatement. “I think I’m past the climax of my heat. There were three days I was lost to it completely, but I feel more myself this morning than even yesterday morning.”

“Good, good. And if you don’t mind my asking, which one of the Alphas claimed you? Was it Ezekiel or Kodiak?”

Oh God. I wanted to hide behind my hands, but maybe she could help. She’d been here for twenty years, so she’d know the pack. “Well, it was actually Silas.” At her surprised expression, I rushed forward. “But it was Ezekiel and Kodiak who helped me through most of my heat. They’ve made it clear they want to claim me, and I want them to. I want all three of them. Is that normal? I have one friend who was claimed by a pack, but I don’t know any other Omegas who did that. Or is that something to do with my heat?”

Katherine guided me into her office and set her clipboard on her desk. “In my opinion, and I guarantee you a million Alphas will say different, an Omega benefits from having a pack take care of her. Her heat can be so intense, and if there’s only one Alpha to meet her needs, they can’t help but neglect some of their needs. The fact you’ve had these three helping you is fantastic.”

Hearing this from a medical doctor was immensely reassuring. While all my doctors had always been women, none of them had ever said anything like this. They always ensured I was healthy for when I was ready to meet my mate. None ever mentioned multiple Alphas.

“As long as they’re okay with sharing…” Katherine eyed and raised her brows.

“That may be a problem.” A gigantic problem. “Do you have any advice?”

She pursed her lips as she took a moment to think on it. “If they have all been helping you through your heat, then it shows they can do it. Yet Alphas are notoriously possessive. I’ve listened to Ezekiel and Kodiak talk about you. I couldn’t tell which one you had chosen, and now I know why. They’re both smitten. I’ve known those young men all their lives. Kodiak is stubborn, but I think you could convince him. Ezekiel is the most easy-going of the three, and Silas…” She sighed and leaned back against her desk. “He was trouble when he was young, and we still see that now and then. They’re also incredibly close as a pack. The fact Silas hadn’t come in with Kodiak and Ezekiel when they were rescued was a surprise.”

I dipped my head as my cheeks heated again. “He had to rush home to attend to me.”

“Good on him then.” Katherine nodded. “All I can tell you is to be honest. Sit them down and let them know how you feel. It will be a bumpy road at the beginning, but it can work. And after everything around town that I’ve heard about you, I think you’re the Omega who can wrangle the whole pack in.”

My eyes widened. After everything she’s heard? Of course the guys were saying nice things about me, but who else was talking about me?

Katherine laughed and reached to give my hand a squeeze. “Don’t worry too much, dear. Petersburg is a small town and everyone knows everyone’s business. You’ve made a great impression on everyone you’ve met. Even Savva likes you, and that grumpy old man doesn’t like many people. I think it’s wonderful you’re working with him to get the greenhouse going again. I worry about how much time he spends alone up there. You’re very good for him too. For all the men. It will be far less lonely on the mountain now.”

My stomach fluttered and my throat tightened with happiness. I wasn’t thinking about curing anyone’s loneliness, but I was glad I was helping. Something lifted inside me. Hope, a purpose, a clearer idea of my future here.