I put the truck into drive and sped away from the cabin. Instead of heading to the main road, I took a sharp turn at the fork in the driveway and went to Savva’s house. Naughty images of that hot little redhead flashed through my mind and everything pulled me back to our cabin. I brought down a fist onto my thigh and hissed with the pain. Women ruined everything.
Stopping beside Savva’s truck, I turned off the engine and huffed as I pushed open the door. The old man had been up and shoveled already with fresh salt on the ground.
I marched up to the rugged cabin and didn’t knock before going in. The rich scent of moose meat hit me and my stomach growled. The old man couldn’t cook for the life of him, but he had a special secret recipe for seasoning his meat that he never shared with any of us, and now I craved the moose far more than any drink.
Savva twisted in his beat up recliner to look at me. The hockey game was at half time and commercials ran on the TV. “What you doing here, boy? Don’t you all got a lady at the cabin to entertain?”
Kicking off my boots, I grunted. “Her being there has fucked up everything already. I needed to get away from the shit.” I went directly to the small kitchen which was open to the living room and got a bowl, filling it up with hot stew from the stove. “Might have to move back in here with you.”
“Like fuck you are.” Savva snorted, and it made me smirk. He took a bite from his own lunch and asked with a full mouth, “So you just whining or is there really trouble? Is the Omega okay? You bunch better be treating that lady right.”
I took my full bowl and flopped into the leather recliner next to him. Kodiak, Ezekiel, and I had bought the new chair for Savva for Christmas last year, but the stubborn bastard refused to sit in it. Never mind his old one was nearly falling apart. “I’m not fucking whining. Things are messed up. The Omega is compatible with Eze.”
Taking a bite, I savored the way the meat nearly melted in my mouth. There was too much salt and pepper in the broth, but the meat, damn, I didn’t care about the rest of the stew.
“Well, shit.” Savva exhaled loudly and leaned back, scratching at his gray beard. “Kodiak?”
“He’s pissed.” I took another bite and stood up to fetch a few slices of bread from the counter to cut back the salty broth. “Think we should just kick her back south.”
“Don’t be a fuckhead, Silas,” Savva grumbled and reached over to nab one of the slices from me. “The Omega will be good for Ezekiel.”
“What? You okay with it?” I gnashed my teeth as I chewed. The whole situation was a mess and she was at the center of it. Take her out of the equation and everything would go back to normal. I could forget her and her dimples as she smiled and her perfect tits. Fuck it all.
Savva chomped on some meat and bread and shrugged. “Ain’t nothing to do about it. If the Omega is compatible with Ezekiel, then she is. Good to know he’ll be sharing a bed with a woman rather than those dogs at night. Maybe she has some unclaimed friends to introduce to Kodiak.” He chased down his food with a swig from his coffee mug which he had tucked beside him in the chair. “That boy definitely needs a woman.”
I didn’t think any of us did. Enough pretty tourists came through town to wet our appetites. Who needed a woman in their life to mess it up? “So you okay with that? The deal with her father isn’t good if she isn’t with Kodiak. Take your land back and get rid of her.”
“You’re all my boys. I ain’t sending the Omega back if she and Ezekiel are compatible. Don’t be an ass.”
I huffed, but stuffed my mouth so I wouldn’t say anything stupid. I appreciated how Savva had always treated me like he did Kodiak. He took me in when my dad died and raised me as he did his own son. He did the same with Ezekiel too. The three of us had become inseparable, and damn it, I didn’t want a woman to come between us.
“You should get an Omega too,” Savva added as he looked back to the TV with the game coming back on.
What the fuck? “Are you crazy, old man? There’s not a chance in hell I’ll ever let myself get involved with another woman.”
He stuffed the rest of the bread into his mouth and waved a dismissive hand at me. “Don’t let that one idiot Beta sour you on all females. She was bad news, but not all of them are that way.”
Whatever. Every single female I’d known was either married or trouble. Sometimes both. “No thanks. Things are fine the way they are.” Before Nicolette came into our lives. Now it was a disaster. “Just give me an ax and the woods.”
“I was more a man of the wild than any of you boys.” He sighed and shook his head. “I loved my Clementine like nothing else in this world, and she treated me like I was the best thing that ever happened to her.” His gaze grew hazy and his shoulders sagged. “Truly, she was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Hell, I hated seeing the old man like this. I’d always known him as a tough Alpha, nothing could ever tear him down. Yet on the rare occasions when he got lost in memories of Kodiak’s mom, he seemed like a broken man. I never wanted to end up that way, especially not after what Sarah did to me. The devious bitch had crushed me, and she hadn’t even truly been an Omega. Imagine if I claimed an Omega and then she screwed me over. There wouldn’t be enough alcohol in the world to drown in.
I’d just have to keep as far away as possible from Nicolette. She already had her claws into Ezekiel. The guy would roll over and show her his belly like a happy pup. He didn’t know what was good for him. Kodiak wouldn’t do a thing about it either.
It was up to me. I would have to make her life miserable and drive her back to her daddy. It didn’t matter that she was compatible with Ezekiel, that she smelled like sunshine on atropical beach, or that the mere sound of her voice made my dick throb with want of her.
Nope. Nicolette was a threat to my happy existence, and I was going to make sure she was gone by the end of the week.
CHAPTER SIX – Nicolette
When I spoke to my family, I didn’t mention anything about how Ezekiel triggered my heat. None of them needed to know those details at the moment. I didn’t even know what I would say about it. Yes, he was sweet and gorgeous, and even just thinking about him made me squirm with growing desire, but I’d been meant for Kodiak.
I still hadn’t heard Kodiak come back inside. And the other Alpha, the bastard Silas, had left. Good riddance to him.
Yet what if my presence here and Ezekiel’s compatibility with me caused a rift between the Alphas? I gnawed at my lower lip as I fidgeted with my phone. I didn’t want to be the reason three men who were like brothers fought one another.
I’d sent off a message to my friends, but none of them were available at the moment. I wondered if Callista had felt the same way when she first met her Alphas. Though her men turned out to be very good at sharing, and she was living her best life with three hot mates. No such peace was present in this household.